Should I take calcium if I have hepatitis B?

The liver is an essential element in the body's digestive system. Everything from the food you eat, including medications, passes through the liver.

1. The role of calcium in the body

Calcium belongs to a macronutrient mineral, does not produce energy, but it participates in many functions for the living body such as: bone formation, tooth formation, body development and regulation of biochemical reactions of the body.
Calcium deficiency causes the following diseases:
For children: Children often cry at night, have trouble sleeping, eat poorly or become irritable, muscle aches, prolonged deficiency leads to rickets, bow legs. For girls, calcium deficiency causes menstrual disorders and delayed puberty. Pregnant women lack of calcium affects the process of formation and development of the fetus. Long-term calcium deficiency in adults causes osteoporosis and fractures in the elderly.
Lượng canxi máu thấp: Bổ sung canxi thế nào?
Canxi đóng vai trò quan trọng trong cơ thể con người

2. Should I take calcium if I have hepatitis B?

The liver is the largest biochemical apparatus in the body, vitamin D is converted into active vitamin D in liver cells. This is one of the important elements in bone formation, which promotes the absorption of calcium by the intestines and kidneys, and promotes bone formation and mineralization.
When the liver is sick, the activation of vitamin D is hindered, at this time people with hepatitis B need to supplement calcium for the body.
Calcium supplementation for hepatitis B patients does not affect liver enzymes.
However, when supplementing with calcium, it should be noted that the composition of calcium pills contains other ingredients such as nicotinamide (if taken a lot and for a long time can affect liver function). When going to the doctor for a follow-up visit, you should take the medicine according to the instructions of the treating doctor. Do not arbitrarily add calcium.

3. What should people with hepatitis B drink?

In addition to calcium supplementation for people with hepatitis B, people with hepatitis B also need to add some vitamins and other nutrients to ensure the liver is always in a healthy state.

3.1 Take vitamin A and iron supplements

Simultaneous supplementation of vitamin A with iron will help resolve iron deficiency anemia better than taking iron or vitamin A alone.
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Sắt được liệt vào danh sách những dưỡng chất mà bệnh nhân viêm gan B cần bổ sung

3.2 Take vitamin D supplements

More than 90% of people with hepatitis B are vitamin D deficient. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation is very important for people with hepatitis B.

3.3 Take vitamin E supplements

The role of vitamin E has been confirmed by experts to be useful for people with liver disease. However, excessive intake of vitamin E can be counterproductive. At doses of 800–1,000 mg per day, vitamin E will cause blood thinning and bleeding.
Bệnh nhân viêm gan B nên chú trọng bổ sung vitamin E

3.4 Take vitamin B12 supplements

Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that can be stored in the liver. However, do not arbitrarily abuse these vitamins without a doctor's prescription because if used incorrectly can make hepatitis B worse.
People with hepatitis B should supplement with calcium and some other vitamins under the guidance of a doctor to improve the health of the liver better.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.

Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency List of foods rich in calcium What is the body like if it has too much calcium?
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