Should teeth be extracted at home?

Many people intend to treat their own tooth at home when it is loose with pain or great decay. However, this is one of the actions that can potentially pose great dangers to the patient's health.

1. Some folk ways to extract teeth at home are applied by folk

According to folk methods, there are many ways to extract teeth yourself without causing much pain. This method is used from simple and easy-to-find materials such as thread or ice...
Some common ways to self-extract teeth at home include:
Extraction with thread and warm salt water: With this method, the patient will use only to wrap the teeth. Then, use your hands to shake the tooth so that the tooth gradually falls out. After flossing, use warm salt water to rinse your mouth to kill bacteria. Finally, put cotton on the spit to stop the bleeding and keep it in your mouth for about 30 minutes. Using your hands to gradually shake the tooth: This method of self-extracting teeth at home is applied by many people. With mild and continuous tooth movement or tongue twisting several times a day to make teeth fall out faster. Use ice: Ice can also be used to easily extract teeth at home. Suck on the ice several times to numb the tooth. Then use your hand to pull out the loose tooth. This will make the tooth extraction process less painful. Use numbing gel where the tooth needs to be extracted: This is also one of the methods used to numb the tooth to be extracted. This gel contains benzocaine, which makes tooth extraction painless and effective quickly. Above are a few folk methods of tooth extraction at home. Results will depend on the individual as well as many different factors.

2. Should I pull my own teeth at home?

Some people are still performing tooth extraction at home by folk remedies. However, this method cannot guarantee that after tooth extraction you will not experience complications from mild to severe. Not to mention the tools used to extract teeth are not carefully sterilized, so it is easy to cause infections and lead to dangerous complications such as:
Complications of residual teeth: Molars usually have 2-4 roots or than. Therefore, the only way to determine the exact number of roots of each person is to take an X-ray. Self-extracting molars at home can lead to residual teeth, causing lasting pain for you. Infection after self-extracting teeth at home: Instruments used to extract teeth at home are often not properly cleaned and sterilized; Patients also do not rinse their mouth with a specialized solution and take antibiotics of the right type, so the risk of infection after self-extracting teeth at home is very high. Bleeding at the extraction site for a long time: The extraction of teeth at home with folk methods can generally make the wound wider than usual, easily injure the jawbone and surrounding soft tissue, and take a long time to heal. This can lead to very dangerous bleeding. Even if the tooth to be extracted is loose, self-extracting at home still contains many dangerous factors that you can hardly handle, leading to serious complications. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to learn about tooth extraction at home. Once you understand this problem, you will have a really better method of taking care of your teeth. At the same time, understanding the benefits and disadvantages of tooth extraction at home will help you handle dental conditions properly and in the most timely manner.

3. Should go to the Dentist for safe tooth extraction

To avoid possible complications mentioned above, you should consider safe extraction at the Dentistry instead of at home. When you visit a medical facility or a dental specialist, your dentist will advise and ensure your health before, during and after tooth extraction with the following standard procedures:
Clinical diagnosis Prepare before tooth extraction: Not everyone should have teeth extracted, especially patients who are in the group that is contraindicated for temporary tooth extraction. Based on the medical history of the whole body and the results of the specialized tests indicated, the dentist will make an accurate conclusion about the time of tooth extraction that is most suitable for you. Equipment used to extract teeth is sterilized, absolutely sterile: All equipment and tools used in the process of tooth extraction at the Dentistry are absolutely sterilised. Patients will be assigned to clean their teeth before extraction to avoid infectious complications and cross-spread between oral diseases. Patients are assigned local anesthesia before tooth extraction: Before tooth extraction, so that the patient does not feel pain and comfortable during the procedure, the dentist will appoint a local anesthetic. Safe extraction: Before extraction, the doctor will take X-ray for the patient to determine the exact number of roots. This will help limit the complications of tooth decay. After that, the dentist will perform tooth extraction according to the standard procedure of the Ministry of Health to ensure the safety of the patient. Instructions for post-extraction care and prescription pain medication: After the tooth is extracted, the dentist will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to the patient to reduce swelling, pain and infection while waiting for the wound to heal. The dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment: The follow-up examination is to monitor the oral health status as well as the location of the tooth extraction for timely treatment. After the tooth has been extracted, the position of the tooth loss will more or less affect the aesthetics of the teeth. But you can restore teeth by making porcelain bridges or implanting teeth to restore aesthetics.
Above is information on the question of whether to extract teeth yourself at home. In general, folk methods of self-extracting teeth at home are applied by many people, but there are many potential risks to your oral health as well as your life. Instead of self-extracting teeth at home, which has a high probability of causing complications and slow healing, go to reputable medical facilities for a dentist to perform. The process of tooth extraction at a reputable dentist will cause less pain and infection, and it will take place quickly, saving you a lot of time.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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