Stages of insomnia: 5 stages and what they mean

Sleep allows the body to rest to repair itself and perform necessary biological functions. For people with insomnia will have to go through 5 stages and the severity will gradually increase. Therefore, recognizing the stages of insomnia is extremely necessary for timely treatment.

1. Effects of sleep on health

Humans need sleep to survive and carry out biological and immune functions of the body. Sleep allows the body to repair itself and carry out necessary biological functions. Adults need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, while children may need more. But sometimes, work, school, and lifestyle factors can disrupt your ability to sleep.
When you sleep less than you need or don't sleep at all, it's called sleep deprivation. For most people, short-term sleep deprivation is not a cause for concern. However, frequent or prolonged sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems. Sleep deprivation can lead to poor cognitive function, increased inflammation, and decreased immune function. If sleep deprivation continues, it can increase your risk of chronic disease.
MORE: How does massage therapy cure insomnia?

2. Stages of Insomnia

Sleep deprivation is divided into 5 stages, whereby the stages are usually divided into 12-hour or 24-hour increments. Symptoms often get worse when you stay awake for long periods of time.
2.1 Stage 1: After 24 Hours If you don't sleep within 24 hours sleep is normal. It also won't cause serious health problems, but you may feel tired and "rested".
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a lack of sleep for 24 hours is the same as having a blood alcohol level of 0.1%. This is well above the limit for legal driving.
Accordingly, staying awake for 24 hours can cause symptoms such as:
Drowsiness Irritability Increased risk of stress Decreased alertness Decreased ability to concentrate Brain fog Fatigue Concussion Decreased coordination Cases Increased risk of mistakes or accidents Appetites Puffy eyes Dark circles under eyes 2.2 Stage 2: After 36 hours When you miss 36 hours of sleep, your symptoms become more intense and there will be desire to sleep. You may start having short naps without realizing it. A small nap usually lasts up to 30 seconds.
Khó ngủ
Khó ngủ, thiếu ngủ là khi bạn không ngủ đủ giấc hoặc hoàn toàn không ngủ được
Next, different parts of the brain will have difficulty communicating with each other. This severely impairs cognitive performance and causes symptoms such as:
Memory impairment Difficulty learning new information Behavioral changes Poor decision making Difficulty processing social cues Slow reaction time Increased errors encountered at work In addition, you are also more likely to experience physical effects such as:
Increase in appetite Increase in inflammation Decrease in immune function 2.3 Stage 3: After 48 hours Lack of sleep in 48 hours is known as extreme sleep deprivation. At this point, staying awake is even more difficult. You are more likely to have light sleep, and may even begin to hallucinate. This happens when you see, hear, or feel things that aren't really there. Other possible effects include:
Personification of Anxiety Raises stress levels Increases irritability 2.4 Stage 4: Wakes up in 72 hours After 3 days of sleep deprivation, your cravings will return should be worse. You may experience more frequent, longer naps. Lack of sleep will significantly impair cognitive ability. Hallucinations can also become more complex such as:
Delusions Distracted thinking Personification 2.5 Stage 5: Awakening for 96 hours or more After 4 days, your perception of reality will be severely distorted important. You will also feel an unbearably craving for sleep. If you miss sleep so much it's inexplicable that it's called sleep deprivation psychosis. Usually, sleep deprivation psychosis goes away when you get enough sleep.
SEE ALSO: Waking up unconsciously in the middle of the night
Khó ngủ
Sau mỗi giai đoạn, tình trạng khó ngủ càng trầm trọng hơn

3. How long does it take to recover from sleep?

You can recover from sleep deprivation by getting more sleep. You can start by going to bed earlier than going to bed late, and should rest at least 7 to 8 hours every night. This will help get your body back on track. It can take days or weeks for you to recover from a lack of sleep. However, you need to note, if you lose 1 hour of sleep, you need 4 days to be able to balance. In fact, the longer you stay awake, the longer it will take to get back on track.
The best treatment depends on how much sleep you missed. Possible options include:
Napping: If you only have a few hours of sleep loss, napping may relieve symptoms. Avoid napping for more than 30 minutes, which can disrupt your ability to sleep at night. Good Sleep Hygiene: Practicing healthy sleep habits is key to preventing and treating sleep deprivation. Over-the-counter (OTC) sleep aids: Over-the-counter (OTC) sleep aids are ideal for occasional sleep problems at night. However, you should not overdo it, but use it sparingly. Prescription sleeping pills: Your doctor can prescribe sleeping pills for you, but like OTC sleep aids, they can become less effective over time. Light therapy: If you have severe insomnia, your doctor may recommend light therapy. This treatment is designed to help reset your body's internal circadian rhythms. Breathing device: If your insomnia is caused by sleep apnea, you may be given a device to help you breathe while you sleep. Continuous positive pressure (CPAP) ventilators are the most common option.

4. Measures to prevent insomnia

Healthy sleep hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent sleep deprivation. This includes active lifestyle habits that help you get quality sleep.
4.1. Exposure to natural light Exposure to natural light helps to normalize the body's production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. This will regulate your body's internal biological clock.
4.2. Regular physical activity Regular exercise will help you feel tired at night. Try to get at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise each day, and it's a good idea to exercise at least 5 to 6 hours before bed. Exercising too late in the day can affect your ability to sleep at night.
Tập thể dục ngăn ngừa khó ngủ
Hãy cố gắng hoạt động thể chất thường xuyên để có giấc ngủ ngon
4.3. Avoid caffeine later in the day If you drink caffeinated beverages, have your last cup before noon. Because it can take 6 hours for the caffeine to clear from your body.
4.4. Avoid alcohol before bed Although alcohol is known to cause drowsiness, it can disrupt the quality of your sleep. Therefore, absolutely do not drink too much alcohol before going to bed.
4.5. Avoid electronic screens before bed Blue light from screens can stimulate the brain and reduce melatonin production. Therefore, before going to bed from 30 minutes to 1 hour you should not use electronic devices.
4.6. Create a gentle bedtime routine A gentle bedtime routine will help your body and mind best prepare for sleep. This may include relaxing activities like taking a warm bath, meditating, listening to relaxing music, etc.
4.7. Create a comfortable sleeping environment You will get better quality sleep if your bedroom is comfortable and relaxing. To create an ideal sleeping environment you need to do the following:
Turn off electronic devices such as computers, televisions and smartphones. Keep the bedroom cool (between 60 and 67°F, or 16 to 19°C). Use comfortable mattresses and pillows. Limit loud sounds with fans, humidifiers, or use a white noise machine. 4.8. Follow a consistent sleep schedule Get up and go to bed at the same time every night, even if you don't have work. This will help your body maintain a regular schedule of activities and rest.
4.9. Avoid foods that disrupt sleep Some foods take a while to digest. Accordingly, the process of digesting food can make you more alert, so it is best to avoid foods such as fast food, processed foods containing a lot of fat, ... right before going to bed. . If you are too hungry, choose snacks such as crackers or cereal before bed. Also, try to eat your last meal a few hours before bed.
It's normal to have occasional insomnia at night. However, if you're still having trouble sleeping after practicing good sleep hygiene, see your doctor. Seek medical help if you frequently have trouble sleeping, feel tired after getting enough sleep, wake up many times at night, are often tired.
Insomnia occurs with 5 stages and gradually increases in severity. The first stage of sleep deprivation occurs within 24 hours of skipping sleep. Most people can tolerate insomnia during this stage. However, if sleep deprivation continues, it becomes more and more difficult to stay awake, and it even impairs your cognitive function and perception of reality. Medical is very urgent.

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