What is primary health care and what does it include?

Health care every day is a matter of concern for many people today. Learn primary health care and 10 primary health content that will help you take better care of your health every day.

1. What is primary health care?

Primary health care are basic and essential health care practices and techniques, with a scientific basis, that everyone can accept and participate in at an appropriate cost that the State can afford. water can be provided.
Primary health care is basic health care, serving everyone in a country, suitable to the geographical and economic characteristics of each region. Depending on the country and time, the contents of primary care will be different. In addition, these contents also need to be changed to suit the socio-economic situation at each time and period.

2. 10 primary health care content

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Tiêm chủng mở rộng là một trong các nội dung chăm sóc sức khỏe ban đầu

Primary health care in Vietnam includes 10 contents as follows:
Health education Local disease control Expanded vaccinations Protection of mothers and children Supply of essential medicines Provide food and food products, improve nutrition of meals Treat and prevent diseases Provide clean water and ensure environmental sanitation Health management Strengthen health networks 2.1 Health education
The goal of health education is universal common medical knowledge about health care and protection so that everyone can realize that primary health care is the responsibility of each person and the whole society.
The content of health education must ensure the following elements:
Be suitable to the disease situation, deployed health programs, ... of each region, each locality. Health education activities must respect educational principles and be diverse and rich in form to attract people to participate (see, hear, ...). Motivating and attracting all subjects and organizations to participate.
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Phòng chống các bệnh truyền nhiễm như sốt rét

2.2 Local disease control
The next primary health care content is to control the situation of circulating epidemics, taking place in the locality, specifically:
Depending on the severity of the epidemic circulating as plague, cholera, ... to gradually control and move towards epidemic eradication. Reducing the incidence of acute diseases such as acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, dysentery, ... Prevention of infectious diseases such as malaria, sexually transmitted diseases, ... Chronic diseases such as goiter, epilepsy, psychosis, tuberculosis, leprosy, ... need to be managed and monitored. 2.3 Expanded Immunization
The goal of the expanded immunization program for primary health care for the entire population is that all children under 1 year old must be fully vaccinated against 7 infectious diseases including: tuberculosis, diphtheria , pertussis , tetanus , polio , hepatitis B virus , measles . Children under 5 years of age (90%) must be vaccinated against the above-mentioned diseases.
2.4 Protection of mothers and children
Protection of mothers and children is one of the important and concerned primary health care contents, which is to reduce the mortality rate of children under 1 year of age and increase nutrition for mothers, especially pregnant women and children.
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Trẻ dưới 1 tuổi phải được tiêm phòng các bệnh truyền nhiễm

2.5 Supply of essential medicines
Essential medicines must be fully supplied from the commune to the provincial level to ensure disease prevention and treatment. In addition, it is necessary to reduce drug imports, increase and promote domestic drug production. Implementation of this primary health care content requires:
Based on health and disease patterns to plan appropriate drug use and storage. Open a drugstore, mobilize and find capital to cycle drugs. Develop and inspect drug sources in each hamlet, village, and locality, in private healthcare, to prevent counterfeit drugs, smuggled drugs, and damaged drugs. Always ensure the minimum supply of necessary drugs as well as the main drugs in each local medical facility. Organize and guide, check the safe and reasonable use of drugs. Good management of drugs and medical equipment. Organize propaganda and guide inspection, processing and use of herbal medicine in the community. 2.6 Supply of food, food, improve nutrition of meals
Primary health care needs to coordinate with food and food industries to ensure food supply, improve nutrition of meals must ensure sufficient quality and sufficient quantity suitable for each object. For pregnant women and children, attention should be paid to increasing protein.
2.7 Treatment and prevention
Good treatment of common diseases and good treatment of acute and specialized emergencies. Manage and improve the quality of medical examination and treatment in the community. Organize health propaganda and education on prevention and control of infectious diseases, social diseases and epidemics. 2.8 Supply of clean water and ensure environmental sanitation
The entire population is provided with clean water for daily life and for eating and drinking, besides, it is necessary to ensure the construction, use and treatment of appropriate sanitation facilities . That is one of the primary health care content that is concerned, specifically:
Coordinate with related sectors to implement and ensure public hygiene. Develop a plan to guide the use and maintenance of water supply and sanitation facilities in public places. Organize propaganda and education on the use of clean water and proper waste treatment.
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2.9 Health management
One of the important contents added to the Vietnamese primary care program later is health management. This is a proactive and active social health care measure, coordinated among many different sectors, aimed at: reducing morbidity, mortality, disability and improving people's health. people. Subjects of health management are all citizens from birth to death.
Health management for primary health care includes the following activities:
Periodic health check-ups and examinations to promptly detect and treat diseases (if any). Have personal health records to track health conditions, diseases, treatments. Organize the dissemination and dissemination of common medical knowledge about emergency. Do not miss the disease when the patient visits the medical facilities, comprehensive examination. Specialized examination to search for and detect diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, goiter, trachoma, gynecology, etc. The Red Cross network in establishments is strengthened. 2.10 Strengthening the grassroots health network
Strengthening the grassroots health network is considered the most important measure in primary health care, ensuring the success of other contents.
The objective of strengthening the grassroots health network is that at least each commune has one health station, each area must have a polyclinic; all medical staff are on the payroll of the State and ensure enough necessary medical staff.
Primary health stations must change their innovative activities towards implementing health programs. Medical staff at facilities must be trained to meet the following requirements: Know how to diagnose and prioritize problems, identify grassroots medical needs, be able to analyze the causes of Health issues are based on local community surveys, have skills in planning, organizing, implementing plans, evaluating results, and have basic statistical skills. In Vietnam, primary health care is an issue that receives the attention of the entire health sector in particular and society in general.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.

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