15 ways to use lemons for health

Lemon water has a lot of benefits for your health. However, if used incorrectly, lemon juice causes many unwanted harms. So what are the uses of lemons and how to drink lemon water for health?

1. 15 ways to use lemons for good health

Here are 15 uses that guarantee the health benefits of lemon water:
1.1. Add a bit of flavor to your food You squeeze a bit of lemon into water and add it to a delicious fish dish, these lemon and citrus treats provide you with the same vitamins and minerals as citrus fruits. other.
1.2. Prevents forehead wrinkles It's all vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. Your body cannot make ascorbic acid, so you must get it from food. Ascorbic acid helps create collagen, keeping the skin youthful and plump. Without enough, your skin will start to wrinkle. Sure, it's also a natural part of aging, but you can also slow it down with the right vitamins and nutrition from lemons.
1.3. For energy Thiamin and riboflavin, part of a group of vitamins known as B-complexes, turn your food into the energy you need. They also help cells in the body grow and do their job. Just one medium-sized lemon provides you with some energy for daily activities.
1.4. Provides antioxidants Vitamin C, flavonoids, phenolic acids, essential oils and coumarins are all found in lemons. These substances are part of the group of antioxidants. They work together to fight free radicals that damage cells and lead to disease and health problems.
1.5. Helps fetus grow They have small amounts of a B vitamin called folate that helps babies form in the womb. It also creates genetic material throughout the mother's body to tell the baby's cells how to build the baby's body.
1.6. Relieve discomfort Their high acidity also adds the perfect sour taste to salads. Lemons also help kill salmonella bacteria found on your food, cutting board, or counter. Don't plan on scrubbing your bathroom with lemon, but if you want to make sure the vegetables are clean, a half-vinegar and lemon mixture will kill most bacteria in about 15 minutes.
1.7. Lowers blood pressure Both lemon juice and peel can help lower blood pressure. Squeeze some into the water before and after a walk. You will probably get more benefits. Talk to your doctor if you take blood pressure medication or other medications. You should not adjust your medication unless your doctor tells you to.
lợi ích của nước chanh
Lợi ích của nước chanh có thể giúp bạn hạ huyết áp hiệu quả

1.8. Prevents Cancer While there's no evidence that lemons can fight cancer you already have, they're packed with antioxidants that can keep you disease-free in the first place. This is especially true for liver cancer, bone cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer.
1.9. Boost Your Heart It's all about those flavonoids, which will make your life less prone to heart disease. That's partly because they help keep fats and blood sugar at healthy levels.
1.10. Boost your brain Lemon has special chemicals that can keep brain cells safe from harmful substances in the body. And because they also protect against general cell breakdown and inflammation, they help reduce the risk of certain brain diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
1.11. Keeping gums healthy Swelling, bleeding gums, and loose teeth are signs of scurvy. This has long been common when people did not have access to foods with vitamin C from lemons or citrus fruits. But you'll probably get it now if you're older, smoke, have a low income, or are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Before eating citrus to prevent disease, know this: Citric acid is good for health but not good for tooth enamel. Wait at least about 30 minutes after you eat or drink something acidic before you brush your teeth.
1.12. Helps You Overcome Colds There is a study that suggests that vitamin C in lemons will prevent colds. But you need it to keep your immune system functioning at its peak. Taking medicine at the first sign of a cold can help you feel better quickly.
1.13. Improves Cholesterol A daily mixture of garlic and lemon juice can be good news for people with high cholesterol. Unhealthy levels have been linked to hardening of the arteries (your doctor will call it atherosclerosis), which can cause metabolic cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes.
1.14. Weight Loss Polyphenols, a special type of antioxidant found in lemons, can help with weight loss and increase body fat. Scientists show that these substances change the way your body processes fat and improve its response to insulin.
1.15. Preventing Kidney Stones If you have ever had kidney stones that block your urine pipes, you should consider using lemon juice. Stones form when minerals present in your body clump together. Substances called citrates in lemons and other citrus fruits can help prevent this buildup.
lợi ích của nước chanh
Lợi ích của nước chanh cũng được tìm thấy trong việc phòng ngừa sỏi thận

2. When is the best time to drink lemon water?

Lemon water is a very good drink for health, but the abuse of lemon juice as well as improper use of lemon juice can cause side effects on the human body. Especially when drinking lemon water is not reasonable, it will be very easy for the stomach to be affected.
After waking up: At this time the stomach is empty, you can immediately drink 1 glass of lemon juice + honey to improve constipation, clean the stomach and replenish water with Vitamin C for the whole working day. . However, you should only mix a few drops of lemon juice and should not overdo it, it will affect the stomach. After meals: You can drink 1 glass of lemon juice after meals (morning, lunch and dinner) about 1.5 - 2 hours. This will greatly help with the digestion of your food. Evening: You can drink lemon + honey in the evening. But should only drink 1 glass before 8-9 pm, should not drink too late will affect your sleep. Above are the great uses of lemon juice and lemon, you can refer to and apply to daily life for the best improvements in terms of health.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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