Can gout patients drink honey?

For people with gout, the consumption of foods has a direct impact on the treatment process. Therefore, what foods should be used and which foods should not be used is of great concern. Have you heard of treating gout with honey? How effective is the use of honey to treat gout? Please refer to the article below to get answers to the above questions.

1. What is gout?

Gout is a disease that is formed due to an increase in uric acid levels and is not eliminated by the kidneys, which will lead to the accumulation and cause deposition of urate crystals in the joints. Gout often causes heat, swelling, redness and very uncomfortable pain in the joints (such as joints of fingers, toes, hands, feet, ankles, knees, ...).
Gout can be formed due to some of the following reasons: there is a genetic disorder, the syndrome of increased uric acid production, but decreased uric acid excretion from the body due to impaired kidney function. , ...
Risk factors that can lead to gout: diet high in purines, genetic factors, lack of water intake, sedentary lifestyle, gender (men have gout more than women). gender), age (older people are more susceptible to gout).
Thus, diet is an important factor in all risk factors leading to gout. Patients who are in the process of being treated for gout, if they have a reasonable diet, will make a very important contribution to the treatment regimen.

2. Can gout drink honey?

In honey, calories are all from carbohydrates (82%), honey is initially formed from glucose, fructose, sucrose and 18% water. In honey, fructose is the most abundant and only a small amount contains sucrose. Also contains extra protein, antioxidants, vitamins (Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) and minerals (Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium) and others.
Honey has a lot of beneficial effects on humans that can both be used as a medicine (honey has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties), it can both beautify and be used as a raw material in food preparation. turn the dishes.
In the composition of honey almost does not contain purines, so it is very good to use this food for people who are suffering from gout. However, patients when using honey need to ensure that the type of honey being used is pure honey, to be able to ensure all the nutritional content in honey.

3. How to cure gout with honey

There are a number of remedies known to be very effective from honey for people who are suffering from gout, patients can apply folk remedies as follows:
Method 1: Honey and cinnamon
Gout patients You can use a mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Regularly use a glass of warm water mixed with the above mixture and drink before breakfast. The results showed that after only a short time, the gout pain was significantly reduced, the symptoms of swelling and inflammation were reduced and pain was reduced even when walking.
Method 2: Honey with ginger
Choose fresh ginger root, wash it, then cut it into thin slices and cover with a mosquito net. Then put in a pot of water and boil the ginger juice until it boils, then reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes. After it has been boiled with water, remove the ginger wrap from the pot, drain the water, and put it in a mortar to crush. The patient puts ginger in a bowl, then adds honey and stirs well. Use this mixture to apply to the painful areas, do it for several days on a regular basis to see the effects of this remedy.
Method 3: Honey and lemon mint
This is a fairly simple method and anyone can do it. Prepared ingredients include: honey, 50 grams of green tea, 10 grams of mint leaves, 1⁄2 lemons and 400 ml of clean water. Bring mint leaves and tea to a boil for about 5 to 10 minutes, then let it cool, then add honey and lemon juice and stir well, can be used daily by drinking hot or adding ice.
This is a very diuretic drink, which helps to purify the body, which is very good for people with gout. In addition, this remedy is also effective in treating diseases such as colds and coughs because of the medicinal properties of the antibacterial substances in honey and the content of vitamin C in lemons. Should be used daily for the best treatment effect.
Honey has been known and used by humans for a long time, because honey contains a lot of nutrients, effective in the treatment of many special diseases, including gout. However, patients should not abuse during the use of honey, adjusting a reasonable dose combined with a healthy diet will help patients achieve the best treatment results.

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