Difficulty sleeping: When to get out of bed?

Waking up once or twice a night is normal. However, if you wake up more than a few times during the night or you can't get back to sleep, you may have trouble sleeping. At some point, it makes perfect sense to get out of bed. So when should you get out of bed if you have trouble sleeping?

1. When to get out of bed?

If you wake up once or twice in a night, that's completely normal. However, if you wake up more often and lie in bed and have trouble falling asleep, then it becomes a sleep problem. Not sleepy should get out of bed? At some point, it's perfectly appropriate to get out of bed. However, you still need to rest and your goal is to get back to sleep as soon as possible.
Can't sleep, what to do? Before you get out of bed, try to fall asleep for another 20 minutes. While you're lying there, try not to watch every minute go by. Turn off your phone or alarm clock so you don't have to constantly check the time. However, if you can't go back to sleep, toss and turn, get out of bed. “The problem with staying in bed for any significant amount of time adds to the difficulty falling asleep,” says Michael Perlis, director of the sleep behavioral medicine program at the University of Pennsylvania. physiologically and psychologically. Ideally, you should get out of bed for at least 30 minutes and be able to return to bed when you start to feel drowsy. You will fall asleep faster if you go to bed when you are sleepy. However, there are a few exceptions such as if you are on medication that makes it difficult for you to walk or have problems with balance, it is better to stay in bed for your safety.
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2. Can't sleep, what to do?

Some measures can help you feel comfortable and sleepy when getting out of bed such as:

2.1 Try a relaxing, low-impact activity

Doing something relaxing can make you feel sleepy. Activities that can help you relax include:
Read a book Listen to music Meditate Try out deep breathing techniques Play a repetitive game (eg Sudoku) Choose something soothing and calming which you can do at any time of the day.

2.2 Avoid too bright screens

Do not use technology devices such as computers, phones or televisions - during waking hours. These screens can trick your brain into waking up, and blue light makes it harder for you to fall asleep. It's best to just turn off the TV, computer, and phone, as well as other types of technology.

2.3 Avoid high-impact activities

Try not to do anything that distracts you and makes it harder to fall asleep. While you may have heard that you can make yourself drowsy with exercise, that's not true. Even moderate exercise can keep you awake at night.

2.4 Do not eat or drink anything but water

Eating at night can make it harder to sleep. This is because digestion is slowed down while you are sleeping. Eating before going back to bed can cause indigestion, and you may feel bloated, nauseous, or irritable. You should also stay away from stimulants like caffeine. If you're sensitive to caffeine, don't drink anything with caffeine after lunch. Never drink alcohol as a way to fall asleep. This can cause insomnia again or early morning awakening, when you wake up too early. It can also lead to substance abuse.
nằm mãi không ngủ được
Ngồi thiền là việc nên làm khi nằm mãi không ngủ được

3. How to prevent sleep problems?

Everyone has a rough night from time to time, but practicing your sleep habits can help. Some ways to help prevent insomnia include:
Go to bed and wake up on time, even on weekends Make the last hour of your day relaxing by doing gentle activities like reading use your bed to sleep or have sex Avoid caffeine and alcohol 5-6 hours before bed Make your bedroom comfortable, dark and cool Don't take long naps during the day Try that for a few week and your sleep will be better. If your insomnia is chronic meaning you've had trouble sleeping for more than 3 months, it's time to skip the tips and talk to your doctor. Visit your healthcare provider to check for any medical reasons for your insomnia, get more sleep advice, and see if you should see a sleep specialist.
In short, sleep problems often occur in a lot of people especially when life becomes busier. At some point, it makes perfect sense to get out of bed. At the same time, apply measures to help you fall asleep more easily, such as reading, meditating, etc. However, if you cannot go back to sleep and sleep problems occur frequently If it affects your health, go to a medical facility immediately for examination and advice on appropriate interventions.
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References: webmd.com, sleepfoundation.org
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