How long should I practice yoga after eating?

We often have the habit of filling our stomach before playing sports. However, the principles of playing sports or exercising inherently do not support that. You should not finish eating immediately, but take a break to give the food time to digest. So how long is it appropriate to practice yoga after eating?

1. Snack before yoga

You can choose between small or light servings before yoga. Eating a little food or snack before yoga will make your stomach feel fuller and make sure you won't be hungry or exhausted during the exercise. Foods that are easy to digest and foods rich in fiber are more recommended, such as fruit or less salad.
But that doesn't mean you'll finish your yoga session right away. Although your meal is small and serves as a supplementary meal, it needs to be rested and cannot be exercised immediately. If you do not follow this principle, even if you have practiced yoga correctly, you can still have an accident.
The often chosen snacks are green foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Please pay attention to this to limit the use of foods containing too much unsaturated fat such as fried foods, fast foods. At the same time, easy-to-digest and healthy dishes will not cause a feeling of heaviness in the intestines.
Rau củ quả
Các món ăn nhẹ thường được chọn là thực phẩm xanh giàu vitamin và chất khoáng

2. Do not practice yoga after eating

There are many opinions that an empty stomach time will be good for yoga practitioners. Therefore, they often choose to exercise in the morning or after the main meal for a long time. This is not very convincing, when we have no food in our stomach or are hungry, energy will drop low, so it can be more dangerous to burn out than faint due to low blood sugar during exercise.
Proper yoga practice is understood as maintaining energy for the body through exercises to reduce energy intake. This ensures that the core requirement of weight loss is to limit calories and promote burning of excess fat.
Another reason why practitioners choose when to be hungry is that they find their body light and easy to perform lifting or twisting movements. These poses often work for the abdomen, waist, and hips. The same goes for other poses that bend the abdominal muscles or related organs, which will also need to be performed when the body is most comfortable. So, the more empty your belly, the easier it is to perform and prolong the exercise time to increase efficiency.
However, on the other hand, we should also rethink the problem. Yoga originated in India, it is said to be a safe and effective exercise when the practitioner is persistent and determined. In addition, trainees are required to perform the exercises properly and always follow the safety regulations that the teacher instructs. Therefore, you can choose to eat or not to eat, but you need to listen to signals from your body. Each of us has a location and should not apply a fixed method to many objects.
Tập yoga
Tập yoga đúng cách được hiểu là duy trì năng lượng cho cơ thể thông qua các động tác tập để giảm năng lượng nạp vào

3. How long should you practice yoga after eating?

At this point, you must really want to know how long to practice yoga after eating to avoid accidents such as cramps, abdominal pain... even affecting the stomach and digestive system. Usually when choosing a high-energy meal before training, you have to wait for 3-4 hours to digest the amount of food you have eaten.
The fact that you ask your body to both digest and serve the needs of exercise will not make the effect come faster. Even your own health is affected. A hearty meal will not give you the psychological comfort to exercise with a vitamin-rich green meal. Normally we need 4 hours to digest food but when you eat too much meat, the amount of protein will provide enough calories for you to use and need 8 hours to fully digest.
Because the time to practice yoga after eating depends on the digestive capacity of the intestines, it is difficult to give exact advice. Always be in control and listen to your body's every expression. From there, choose an appropriate time to rest before entering the exercise.
The majority of yoga subjects are very strict in their eating plan so this is not difficult for them. The main problem is busy people want to take some time to practice. However, if you practice under the guidance of a teacher, you will always be reminded in detail about the rules for yoga practitioners.
Each body's ability is different and you are in control of your own body. You can proactively make decisions that are best for your health. More important than yoga, it is an exercise to persevere, not a race for you to rush into.
Chia nhỏ bữa ăn với đồ ăn nhẹ sẽ giúp mẹ thoải mái hơn khi ăn
Thông thường khi chọn bữa ăn giàu năng lượng trước khi tập, bạn phải chờ trong 3 - 4 giờ để tiêu hóa đi lượng thức ăn đã nạp vào
So, you already know how long to practice yoga after eating and how to do yoga properly. Wish you always have good health and feel comfortable with yoga exercises.

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Reference source:
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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