How does premature ejaculation affect psychology and fertility?

This article is expertly consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.

Premature ejaculation is not an uncommon phenomenon in men, but due to shyness and low self-esteem, very few men express this to their partners for sympathy or go to a doctor to find a solution. , leading to unpredictable psychological and reproductive health consequences.

1. What is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation (algae secretion) is a condition in which men reach orgasm earlier than they and their partners want, usually occurring in subjects with stress or erectile dysfunction of any age.
The disease is defined as the condition that always or almost always ejaculate within one minute from the time the penis is inserted into the vagina, the inability to control ejaculation will affect men's psyche, create self anxiety, stress, frustration as well as avoidance in relationships.

2. Types of Premature Ejaculation

Habitual premature ejaculation: This is a condition of habitual premature ejaculation and too short sexual activity, seen in premature ejaculation patients with too strong sexual desire, strong erection penis , mostly seen in young age.
Random ejaculation: Ejaculation symptoms in patients often vary greatly, and at the same time, they may appear in a state of fatigue and acute premature ejaculation, often accompanied by erectile dysfunction.
Premature ejaculation in old age: If an elderly patient has premature ejaculation, it may be due to decreased sexual function leading to this symptom, usually a decrease in sex drive and an impotence of the penis.
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3. Effects of premature ejaculation on psychology and reproduction

Psychologically, premature ejaculation significantly affects the mental health of patients such as:
Causes erectile dysfunction, impotence, mental instability and affects daily work; Family life, husband and wife face difficulties because premature ejaculation makes the sexual life not reach the necessary pleasure and for a long time can lead to broken family; The low self-esteem of the man and the woman's failure to achieve full pleasure also affects the body, causing fatigue and cracking the relationship between husband and wife. It is also one of the most common causes of infertility. In terms of fertility, premature ejaculation does not directly cause infertility in men, but in some severe cases with complications or premature ejaculation before the penis enters the vagina, it can cause infertility.
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4. Treatments for premature ejaculation

Use psychological and behavioral therapy to cure premature ejaculation:
Start-Stop: This therapy is performed by the partner stimulating the penis until it is almost ejaculation and then stops let the feeling of ejaculation pass and repeat the operation 3 times until ejaculation; Squeeze the foreskin: The partner rubs the glans so that the ejaculate goes through the same way as above. Using drugs to treat: Besides using drugs, it is also necessary to combine with psycho-behavioral therapy to get immediate effect:
Local anesthetic: Has temporary effect but can cause side effects. Side effects are burning of the glans and the effect of anesthetic on sexual partners; Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: Depending on the medical condition and the type of drug, it is possible to prolong the ejaculation time in the vagina from 2 to 10 times, but a course usually lasts up to several months; Patients should also use erectile dysfunction medication if this condition is present. Surgical method: Surgery to cut the dorsal nerve of the penis is not recommended yet, but it is being studied and evaluated very effectively. It should be noted that circumcision does not improve premature ejaculation.

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