How Many Calories Are In Coffee?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, loved by everyone and used regularly, so calculating the calories in coffee is important to control the amount of energy intake accordingly. suitable for the diet.

1. General overview of calories in coffee

Coffee is a popular caffeinated beverage around the world, and one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Pure coffee can be considered as almost zero calories, but the natural caffeine in coffee has the ability to stimulate the body to burn fat to produce energy. If using coffee with other additional elements, such as milk, sugar, flavoring, ..., the number of calories in it will be different, because the added ingredients will provide different calories.
Cà phê
Cà phê là thức uống được nhiều người ưa chuộng

2. Calories in different types of coffee drinks

Coffee, in essence, is a drink created from fermented coffee beans, so pure coffee is mainly composed of water and has almost no calories.
However, pure coffee is not the only option, so different coffee drinks will contain different calories, depending on the ingredients added to the coffee:

Note: Cow's milk is always used when needed
As the table mentioned, in each ounce of espresso contains more calories than regular whole coffee because it has a higher concentration. However, each standard espresso is only 1 ounce (30mL) in volume with approximately 2 calories.
As a matter of fact, coffee with added sugar and milk will have much more calories than whole coffee. matter. Different types of milk will have different calories, resulting in a different amount of calories added to the drink, depending on the type of milk used to add it.

3. Beware of calories from coffee drinks

Because coffee drinks are very familiar and widely used, so most people do not have the habit of controlling the amount of calories coming from this drink. Calorie intake will depend on what is added to the coffee as well as the number of drinks consumed, and will be quite concerning for those who have a habit of putting a lot of sugar, milk or cream in coffee when drinking. .
Bulletproof coffee, a beverage made from fermented coffee beans with butter and coconut oil, or other medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oils, has the potential to significantly increase calorie intake. received in the body.
Cà phê Keto
Cà phê bulletproof cung cấp lượng calo đáng kể cho cơ thể

If you are a person who is losing weight or controlling calorie intake, pay attention to limit the consumption of coffee drinks with added sugar, milk, cream or flavoring.
Besides paying attention to calorie intake, coffee drinks often contain a lot of sugar, which added sugar, which is not good for health, has been linked to cardiovascular problems, obesity and disorders of blood sugar control.
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