How to defrost chicken quickly

Food is not always ready for you to prepare when your stomach speaks. How to defrost chicken quickly without affecting the taste and nutritional content?

1. Why do you need to defrost chicken?

First of all, if you are not a lover of ready-to-eat foods or do not want to go out to enjoy chicken, then defrosting chicken at home will happen. Not only that, you will have quite a few other reasons to convince yourself to bring the ice cubes to the freezer.
Cooking chicken when not defrosted will easily lead to a situation where the outside is cooked but the inside is still raw; Chicken is not listed in the food group that can be used directly in the dishes used by the Japanese; Some bacteria survive if the chicken is defrosted incorrectly. Campylobacter: This is a bacteria that easily occurs in meat, especially frozen chicken. When the body is invaded by this bacteria, there will be high fever, diarrhea, and strong stomach cramps. According to research by experts, the duration of these manifestations will last for a week even worse if your body is weak; Salmonella: This is a bacteria that is as dangerous as campylobacter. If using chicken that has not been defrosted, the risk of this bacteria attack is not low and will cause you to have severe diarrhea; Clostridium perfringens: This is a fungus that makes diarrhea last longer. It only takes a little time to defrost chicken that can protect health and ensure food safety and hygiene, why ignore it?
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2.Note when defrosting chicken should not be done

Defrost chicken before cooking is a way to protect your own health. However, we are making many mistakes when defrosting chicken.
Thawing chicken if not done properly carries a very high risk of bacteria and fungi in the environment. Therefore, mistakes that are easy to make when defrosting should be reminded and eliminated. The first is the location, defrosting food needs to be placed in a hygienic place, the surrounding environment is fresh and dry.
For example, if the meat is thawed near an odorless or rare place, the bacteria in the environment will be dense, which is always ready to invade as soon as the ice is completely melted.
One problem most of us are prone to is the need to defrost chicken as quickly as possible for processing. Food after being frozen does not mean that it can prevent the invasion of bacteria. At low temperatures, meat will slowly decay or if there are bacteria, it will fall into a dormant state without affecting the nutritional quality of the food. That's why, the right way to quickly defrost chicken is not to use a much hotter temperature or to place it in a place where direct sunlight hits it....

3. The best time to store chicken in the refrigerator and the guaranteed temperature when using chicken

Chicken or any food when stored in the freezer compartment needs to be covered tightly to prevent air from entering. Freezing food can prolong its shelf life, but if you want to ensure the valuable nutrients in chicken for the body such as lipid, cholesterol, vitamins, iron, magnesium, calcium...
Chicken After thawing, it should be cooked immediately to avoid decomposition. However, what I want to remind you is to pay attention to the temperature of the pieces when cooking. The temperature for chicken to ensure nutrition and safety for users' health is 133 degrees Celsius. With this temperature, you can adjust the increase or decrease a bit depending on the situation while still ensuring the quality of the chicken.
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4.Instructions to defrost chicken properly

Failure to properly defrost chicken will become a danger to our own health. Usually, we often make whole or relatively large pieces of meat. With larger pieces of meat or whole, thawing slowly in the refrigerator compartment is always recommended.
However, if the size of the meat is just right or if the bone has been removed before freezing, then defrosting will be a bit easier. In this case, you can defrost with the method of submerging in cold water or defrosting with the temperature of the microwave.
Defrost Chicken Slowly Defrost chicken in the refrigerator compartment is a commonly used method, but it cannot solve the urgent problem of hunger when the food is still frozen.
This method is for those of you who plan to use chicken in advance and the amount of chicken that needs to be defrosted is quite large. Although this method takes time, the safety is quite high compared to other ways.
For boneless breast meat or pureed chicken, defrosting time in the refrigerator will fluctuate during the day. With the temperature of the refrigerator, you can only preserve fresh food for 2 to days. Therefore, when defrosted, it is necessary to use it soon to make the chicken delicious and nutritious.
Defrost chicken by submerging in water Soaking chicken in water can help you defrost chicken quickly, but the piece of meat needs to be wrapped tightly to ensure watertight when soaking. You can use a zip or vacuum bag to ensure that the chicken is not soaked in water when soaking.
Absolutely do not use boiling water or hot water to soak frozen food. This will cause the food to heat shock and the bacteria will create a favorable environment to destroy the nutrition of the meat.
With this defrosting method, the time will be greatly shortened. If the meat is small or pureed, it will take 1 to 2 hours for large pieces of meat or bones, you should soak for many hours for the meat to thaw completely. During the implementation process, you need to change the water regularly and pay attention to observe the food that has just been defrosted and processed to reduce the invasion of harmful bacteria.
Defrost chicken by microwave The introduction of the microwave oven has become a good friend for every kitchen. No longer a food warmer, the microwave oven after many improvements and upgrades has been added with a food defrosting function. With a tray designed to rotate evenly, the chicken will be frozen faster and more evenly. However, the temperature of the microwave oven is not low, so it can cause the outside to cook a thin layer but the inside is still alive.
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Việc không thực hiện rã đông thịt gà đúng cách sẽ trở thành mối nguy hiểm cho chính sức khỏe của mỗi chúng ta

Cook slowly while the chicken is frozen With modern kitchen tools that easily adjust the temperature, you can completely cook frozen chicken and skip the defrosting step. But this is not a good choice for all chicken dishes, but only some dishes such as stews, frozen, soups...
When cooking, you need to pay attention to the principle of heat balance to keep the cooking temperature high. and the temperature of the chicken is equilibrated slowly without making the process too sudden. This method will defrost the chicken in time when the dish is boiling. It's still basically defrosting, but what you need to do will be much simpler and easier.

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Reference sources:,
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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