Is eating chocolate good for health?

Chocolate is a favorite food of many people because of its delicious taste and many overall health benefits. Chocolate usually consists of black (bitter) and white (milky) varieties, with different nutritional content and values. To know if eating chocolate is good and which type should you choose? Please follow this article.

1. Is eating chocolate good?

Chocolate is a food that is loved by many people, they are not only delicious but also bring many health benefits. So what are the benefits of eating chocolate? Accordingly, chocolate, especially bitter chocolate, contains many antioxidants but is low in fat, so it is very beneficial for your health. Just consuming a small amount of chocolate will help you feel euphoric as well as full of energy. Here are the health benefits that chocolate brings:
Eating chocolate reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease Chocolate has the potential to reduce the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In particular, the flavonoid content in chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties, which help reduce cell damage associated with heart disease, blood pressure, and improve blood vessel functions.
Reduce the risk of diabetes According to studies, the consumption of chocolate can reduce the risk of diabetes, stroke. However, more research is needed to prove this beneficial effect of chocolate. Chocolate helps improve mood Chocolate contains the amino acid tryptophan, which promotes the body's production of the anti-depressant serotonin in the brain. Just consuming a moderate amount of chocolate can help you improve your mood and become more excited and happy.
Helps lower blood cholesterol levels Consuming chocolate can help you significantly reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol LDL in the blood.
Eat chocolate to improve memory Health care experts say that just drinking 2 cups of hot chocolate a day can help keep your brain sharp, healthy and reduce risk factors. risk of memory loss in the elderly.
In addition, lavado extract from cocoa components in chocolate works to reduce nerve damage in people with Alzheimer's disease, and at the same time contributes to preventing amnesia caused by aging in the elderly.
Helps soothe cough Chocolate contains theobromine, which helps prevent coughs by acting on the nerve that transmits signals from the central nervous system to the brain, also known as the vagus nerve. .
ăn socola có tốt không
Đây là loại thực phẩm tốt cho sức khỏe nếu bạn còn thắc mắc "ăn socola có tốt không?"

2. What are the benefits of eating bitter chocolate?

In bitter chocolate usually contains more than 70% cocoa, so they are rich in flavonoids, which help prevent factors that lead to heart disease as well as cancer. In particular, eating bitter chocolate also helps to stimulate beneficial microorganisms in the intestinal tract, forming anti-inflammatory compounds, good for heart and joint health.

3. Note when eating chocolate

Currently, many people choose to consume milk chocolate instead of bitter chocolate because of the sweet and delicious taste they bring. However, this type of chocolate is often relatively high in sugar, fat and calories, which contributes to weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, those who are following a weight loss plan or want to maintain a healthy weight should limit their milk chocolate consumption. Even children eating too much milk chocolate can lead to tooth decay.
In summary, you should choose dark chocolate with a bitter taste and consume them in moderation to ensure safety for health. Alternatively, if you love the taste of chocolate, you can add a dash of pure cocoa to low-fat milk or oats for your daily breakfast.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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