What do cauliflower make delicious?

Cauliflower is a healthy food. In addition to boiled cauliflower, sauteed cauliflower, there are many different ways to prepare this food. Here are some suggestions for the question of what is good for cauliflower?

1. Stir-fried Cauliflower with Shrimp

1.1 Preparation Ingredients for 2 - 3 people:
1 broccoli ; 1 carrot ; 200g black tiger shrimp; Seasoning: 1 small onion or 2 dried onions, sugar, salt, MSG, cooking oil and oyster sauce. 1.2 How to do Step 1: Separate cauliflower into separate branches, wash all sandy soil, drain and cut into small pieces to taste. Peeled and sliced ​​carrots (sticks); Step 2: Peel, remove the head of the black tiger shrimp, leave the tail, and then cut along the back of the shrimp to remove the black thread. Dried onions or onions cut into thin slices; Step 3: Heat the cooking pot on the stove with a little cooking oil, then add the onions and sauté until the onions are golden, then add the shrimp, season with 1⁄2 teaspoons of salt, a little sugar and the main noodles (seasoning seeds); Step 4: When the shrimp is rare, add the carrots, add a little cold water and stir until the carrots are soft. If you don't want the shrimp to be crushed, then when the shrimp is cooked, put the shrimp in a bowl and keep it separate; Step 5: Put the cauliflower into the pot when the carrots start to soften, season with 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1⁄2 tablespoons of MSG and a little sugar. Next, stir over high heat, season to taste. If the boiler is empty, you can add a little water to soften the cauliflower. When the cauliflower and carrots are cooked, put the shrimp in the pot, stir well and turn off the heat. When serving, scoop the sautéed cauliflower into a plate and serve with rice. Families can add a little fish sauce to dip or eat without it.
MORE: What are the benefits of eating cauliflower? Is it good for pregnant women?
Súp lơ xào tôm
HÌnh ảnh súp lơ xào tôm thành phẩm

2. Cauliflower - bacon salad

This is a dish that people who do not like the taste of cauliflower can also eat. And it is also the ideal answer to the question of what is delicious with cauliflower?
2.1 Preparation Ingredients for 4-6 people to eat include:
3 cauliflower, cut into bite-sized pieces; 2 carrots finely chopped; 6 slices bacon, cooked and chopped; Salt, thinly sliced ​​shallot, sliced ​​almonds, dried blueberries, black pepper, apple cider vinegar, mayonnaise. 2.2 Method Boil about 1 liter of water, add a pinch of salt. While waiting for the water to boil, the user prepares a large bowl of ice water; When the water boils, add the cauliflower and cook until tender. Then, scoop the cauliflower into the prepared bowl of ice water. When the water returns to normal temperature, remove the cauliflower, drain; In a large bowl, mix the cauliflower with the shallots, carrots, blueberries, almonds and bacon; Mix 1 bowl of mayonnaise, vinegar, salt and pepper; Pour the sauce over the cauliflower mixture, mix well to have the finished product,

3. Grilled Cauliflower

3.1 Preparation Ingredients for 4 people:
2 large broccoli, cut to taste; 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil; 2 tablespoons sweet chili sauce; 1 tablespoon Sriracha chili sauce; Lemonade; Black pepper. 3.3 Procedure Preheat oven to 218 degrees Celsius; Mix olive oil, sweet chili sauce, Sriracha chili sauce and lime juice in a small bowl; On a large baking tray, pour in cauliflower, spread evenly and cover with sauce, season with salt and pepper to taste; Bake for about 20 minutes until cauliflower is slightly charred and tender. Eat hot. MORE: Top 14 health benefits of broccoli
Súp lơ nướng
Súp lơ nướng cầm đảm bảo thời gian và nhiệt độ phù hợp

4. Cauliflower crust pizza

4.1 Preparation Ingredients for 4 people to eat include:
1 large cauliflower, chopped and steamed; 1 egg; Chopped Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese; Smoked sausage; Marinara sauce; Fresh basil; Seasoning powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper. 4.2 Procedure Preheat oven to 218oC; Put the steamed cauliflower in the blender, chop and cut off the water; Place mashed cauliflower in a large bowl, add eggs, chopped Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese, season with garlic powder, salt and pepper and mix well; Transfer the dough to a parchment-lined baking sheet, oil and shape into a thin, round pizza crust; Bake the crust for about 20 minutes until golden and dry; Coat Marinara sauce, cheese and sausage on top, and bake until cheese is melted and crispy. Garnish with basil.

5. Salmon with ginger sauce with cauliflower

With the question of what to cook with cauliflower, housewives can make their own salmon with ginger sauce with cauliflower at home.
5.1 Preparation Ingredients for 4 people:
1 large cauliflower, cut into thick pieces; 900g salmon, cut into 4 pieces; 2 green onions, thinly sliced; 2 tablespoons honey; 1 piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated; Extra virgin olive oil, 1 clove of minced garlic, salt, black pepper.
Cá hồi sốt gừng với súp lơ
Cá hồi sốt gừng với súp lơ giàu chất dinh dưỡng cho người dùng

5.2 How To Heat a large cast iron skillet. Then, brush a little olive oil over the cauliflower, season with salt and pepper and set aside; Make the sauce: In a small bowl, mix honey, lemon juice, ginger and garlic together; Grill cauliflower until browned on both sides - about 2 minutes on each side; Wash the salmon, absorb all the water. Next, drizzle olive oil on top, season with salt and pepper. Then, grill each side of salmon for 4 minutes, then pour the sauce over the fish, remove from the grill; Garnish salmon with cauliflower, dipping sauce and green onions.

6. Roast Beef Steak with Cauliflower

6.1 Preparation Ingredients for 4 people:
900g beef steak; 1 cauliflower, peeled, cut to taste; 1 ginger root, peeled and grated; Grated garlic, rice wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, cooking oil, rice vinegar, green onions, roasted sesame seeds. 6.2 Method Mix ginger, garlic, oyster sauce, wine, soy sauce, cooking oil and vinegar together in a bowl; Put beef in a plastic bag, pour in about 1/2 of the sauce, set the rest of the sauce aside. Next, tie the bag tightly, put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 - 12 hours; Turn on the gas stove, put the pan on, coat the steak on medium or high heat, turn the steak occasionally, about 3-5 minutes on each side if you want the steak to be cooked through. Then take the steak to a cutting board, leave it for about 10 minutes to cool down, then cut into long pieces, about 1cm thick; Mix a little sauce, dilute and then pour into the cauliflower and grill over medium heat, turning occasionally until the cauliflower is cooked through and lightly browned on the surface. Then transfer the cauliflower to a plate, let it cool a bit; Presentation: Divide steak and cauliflower evenly on each plate, garnish with spring onions and sesame seeds, and serve with hot rice and remaining sauce. Cauliflower is rich in B vitamins and fiber, which is very good for the body. Therefore, readers can refer to the suggestions above to know what cauliflower makes delicious, not bored and increase family nutrition.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source: bonappetit.com, delish.com

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