How are spermatozoa malformations treated?

Sperm abnormalities are among the leading causes of male infertility. The treatment of malformed sperm should be based on the cause and extent of the sperm malformation. At the same time, objective factors such as lifestyle, diet... also need to be considered.

1. What is malformed sperm?

Sperm morphology is a concept that includes the size and shape of typical sperm.
A normal sperm will have an oval head, a straight, elongated body and tail – similar to a tadpole. All other forms of sperm are classified as malformed spermatozoa.
According to WHO standards in 2010, the rate of malformed sperms, if at 4%, men do not have malformed sperm. However, if this number is higher than 4%, male fertility may be problematic and so you need to be tested for accurate results.
Morphological forms of malformed sperm include:
Abnormal head: sperm with large or small head or no head, with few acrosomes. Abnormal tail: usually short tail, or more than 1 tail, or presence of small cell granules on the back of the tail. Immature sperm cells: very rare condition.
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2. Methods of treating sperm abnormalities

Treatment of abnormal sperm requires doctors to perform a clinical examination, perform a number of key tests (especially semen analysis) to check and evaluate the current status of the sperm. coincide. From these assessments, doctors will come up with a specific regimen for treatment.
In cases where some male infection/inflammation is suspected, other tests may be performed to determine the cause of sperm abnormalities:
Testicular biopsy; Ultrasound of the testicles and prostate gland; DNA analysis; Urine test after male ejaculation; Determination of hormone levels in the pituitary gland and male hormones. Based on the causes and conditions - the degree of sperm abnormalities, doctors will offer different treatments for sperm abnormalities, the most common of which are:

Antibiotics: if sperm abnormalities are caused by male infections, antibiotics are the most effective and optimal method to treat this condition. Hormonal drugs and hormone therapy: for men with male hormone imbalance. Surgical surgery: is often applied in case of malformed sperm due to blocked vas deferens or testicular varicose veins.
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3. Deformed sperm cannot be treated, what to do?

In case it is not possible to treat malformed sperm, to ensure fertility, doctors need to intervene in the conception process in many different ways.
3.1 Intrauterine Insemination The doctor will use a small tube to insert pre-selected normal sperm directly into the uterus. Injecting sperm into the uterus will limit the adverse effects of the vagina on the sperm's movement, and at the same time, the sperm will be placed as close to the egg as possible, thereby improving muscle tone. conception association.
3.2 In vitro fertilization IVF is done by placing sperm and eggs in a test tube so that they fuse together to form an embryo. After the embryo is formed, about 2 to 5 days, the doctors will transfer this embryo into the uterus to end the woman's conception.
The success rate of this method ranges from 30% to 40%, usually applied to mildly malformed sperm.
3.3 Direct injection of sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg This is a method of conception for infertile men. In theory, this method is a form of extended IVF. However, in this method, only 1 best sperm is selected and the doctor will inject sperm directly into the cytoplasm of the egg.

4. How to prevent sperm abnormalities?

Besides the treatment of abnormal sperm, prevention of this problem is also extremely necessary to reduce the rate of abnormal sperm and ensure the quality / quantity of sperm for conception.
Limiting and preventing malformed sperm requires patients to consciously overcome most harmful habits and actively pursue a healthy, scientific lifestyle. Specifically, patients need to:
Eat sensibly: choose foods that are beneficial to sperm such as foods rich in protein, high in fiber, vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C), folic acid, zinc,...
Vitamin C
Sử dụng các thực phẩm giàu vitamin C giúp phòng ngừa tinh trùng dị dạng

Stay away from alcohol and stimulants: a lot of evidence has shown that these are factors that increase the risk of infertility/infertility in men. Accordingly, one glass of alcohol per month will weaken libido as well as negatively affect sperm quality / quantity. In particular, alcohol and stimulants also have the ability to change the structure and shape of sperm. Quit smoking: tobacco with a large amount of toxic substances such as nicotine, lead, cadmium, benzopyrene... can change the DNA structure of sperm, thereby forming malformed sperm. Moderate and moderate exercise: a reasonable exercise regimen not only helps men increase libido but also maintains a healthy sperm count, improving the ability to conceive during sex. However, if you exercise too much or don't exercise, you are at risk of abnormal sperm formation as well as a decrease in sperm production. Safe sex: Sexually transmitted diseases are likely to cause changes in the DNA structure of sperm. Therefore, you need to be aware of safe sex to ensure the health of yourself and your partner.

So far, the treatments for malformed sperm are still focused on treating the cause or increasing fertility by medical intervention, but there is no specific drug. Therefore, regular male health checkups are extremely necessary so that doctors can detect abnormalities early and choose the best solution for you.
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