Release 1 year without pregnancy, is it infertile?

Performing motherhood is the joy and pride of women. Therefore, many cases of women are impatient, have not been pregnant for 1 year and worry if this is a warning sign of infertility and infertility?

1. Release 1 year without pregnancy is infertility, infertility?

Many couples drop 8 months still not pregnant, drop pregnant 1 year not pregnant or even drop more than 1 year pregnant. The question is whether these cases are infertility, infertility or not?
Infertility is defined as follows:
Women under 35 years of age, married, regularly having sex with frequency 2-3 times/week for 6 months but still not pregnant, should go to fertility clinic; Women aged 35 years or older, married, regularly having sex with a frequency of 2-3 times a week for 1 year but still not pregnant should go to a fertility clinic. Thus, the case of a 1-year release without pregnancy is a sign that the couple has signs of infertility (possibly due to husband, wife or both). In general, about 30% of the causes are completely due to the husband, 30% are caused by the wife, and the remaining 40% are caused by both husband and wife. At this time, the couple should go for a reproductive health check-up to find out the cause of the difficulty in conceiving.

2. Signs of infertility in men and women

There are many causes of infertility in women and men, causing couples to drop a year without pregnancy. Common manifestations of infertility in both sexes include:
2.1 Common signs of infertility in women Some warning signs of infertility and infertility in women:
Irregular menstrual cycles: The average woman's menstrual cycle is about 28 days long. A difference of several days is also considered normal if the cycles remain consistent. For example, some people have a 31-day cycle, and some people have a regular 35-day cycle. However, if a woman has a fluctuating cycle, it's not possible to estimate when her period will be, it could be related to hormone problems or polycystic ovary syndrome, which often contribute to infertility; Dysmenorrhea or heavy menstrual bleeding: If a woman has a lot of pain during her period, affecting her daily life, this could be a symptom of endometriosis - one of the risk factors. infertility; No period: If you have not had a period for many months, you should have a fertility test; Symptoms of Hormonal Fluctuations: Signs of hormone fluctuations in women can indicate fertility risks. Women should see a doctor if they experience skin problems, decreased sex drive, facial hair growth, hair loss, weight gain,...; Pain during sex: Some women experience frequent pain during sex (which can be caused by hormone problems, endometriosis, or other underlying conditions) which also contributes to infertility. 2.2 Common signs of infertility in men If you have not been pregnant for 1 year, the cause of infertility and infertility may come from the husband. Warning signs include:
Changes in sex drive: Male fertility is linked to hormone health. If changes in fertility, it could be due to hormone problems and affect fertility; Testicle pain or swelling: There are a number of conditions that can cause testicle pain or swelling. Those conditions also contribute to infertility; Erectile dysfunction: A man's ability to maintain an erection is often related to hormone levels. With a lack of hormones, men often experience erectile dysfunction and reduced fertility; Ejaculation problems: Not being able to ejaculate is a sign that it's time for a man to see a fertility doctor; Small, firm testicles: The testicles are the place where men's sperm are stored, so the health of the testicles also affects a man's fertility. Small or firm testicles can signal potential problems that need to be found early.

3. Measures to increase fertility

If the couple has not been pregnant for 1 year, the couple should have a preliminary gynecological examination in the wife and do the husband's semen analysis. While waiting for natural conception, the chances of getting pregnant can be increased by:
Timing of intercourse: Body temperature should be measured regularly. A woman can determine when she is ovulating and should have intercourse 1-2 days before, because sperm can live up to 72 hours after being ejaculated into the vagina. In addition, the increased amount of LH hormone is also a sign of ovulation for the couple to choose the right time to have sex; Frequency of intercourse: The frequency of intercourse should be varied to increase the chances of pregnancy. For example, in the past, the couple had intercourse sparingly, only 1-2 times a month, so the frequency should be increased. Conversely, if the couple has intercourse too often, once a day, the frequency should be reduced. Maintaining the right frequency of intercourse helps to improve the sperm count in each ejaculation, improving the chances of conception. Because it takes at least 24 hours for the sperm to recover from 300 million or more, if the date of intercourse coincides with the day of ovulation, the husband should avoid ejaculating from the previous 2 days; Intercourse position: The position of the man lying on top of and facing each other will create the most favorable conditions for conception. Before ejaculating, the wife should bend her knees in front of her chest, keep in this position for about 20 minutes after the man ejaculates or put a pillow under the buttocks to prevent semen from flowing out. The man should ejaculate deeply and keep the penis in the vagina for a few minutes. If there are signs of infertility and trying to conceive by dropping 1 year without pregnancy, couples should go to a specialized medical facility for a doctor's examination, diagnosis and timely intervention.

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