Burying the penis in a newborn

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi An - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital. The doctor is a person who is very passionate about health care for children and has experience in successfully treating many newborn cases.
Penile entrapment is a birth defect that can be recognized soon after birth in infants. The disease is not too dangerous, but it affects many children's activities and psychology when they grow up. Parents need to pay attention to observe and detect early penis inclusions in babies so that they can be treated promptly and properly.

1. What is infantile penile burying?

Penile entrapment is a congenital malformation of the external genitalia in which the penis is covered by a foreskin. Normally the foreskin will cover the penis and cover the scrotum, but in some cases, babies are born with the foreskin not hugging the penis evenly. This condition is called penile inclusion or penile concealment. The disease is completely curable or can recover on its own over time depending on the condition of the inclusions in the penis.
Vùi dương vật là dương vật bị phủ bởi bao quy đầu
Vùi dương vật là dương vật bị bọc bởi một bao da quy đầu

2. Causes of penis inclusions in babies

Some skin problems, the fatty layer that surrounds the penis during fetal development causes the inclusion of the penis in the baby at birth. Common causes are excess fat on the pubic bone in babies, as well as insufficient skin between the penis and scrotum, which causes the penis to be buried in newborns.

3. Signs of penis inclusions in babies

Newborn to about 2 years old is the time when penile inclusions are most easily detected in children. After birth, parents need to pay attention to some of the following signs to be able to detect the condition of the penis early in the child such as:
The penis is too small, making it difficult to go to the toilet. The foreskin bulges, dilates when the child urinates, there is incessant leakage of urine, the child has difficulty regulating the flow of urine. Penile burying can easily be confused with foreskin stenosis, leading to errors in treatment. Because pediatric patients with penis entrapment, if treated only by dilating the penis, there will be no results. Therefore, correctly distinguishing the symptoms of penile inclusions plays a very important role in the correct treatment of the disease. Parents need to distinguish cases of small penis, buried penis, narrow foreskin...
Cha mẹ cần nhận biết đúng trường hợp dương vật bì vùi
Cha mẹ cần nhận biết đúng trường hợp dương vật bì vùi ở trẻ nhỏ

4. Penile inclusion treatment

For infants with penile entrapment, most will clear up on their own after a while. If there is no recovery, the child needs to be treated early to stabilize the child's health, activities and psychophysiology.
Under the appropriate examination and treatment of the doctor, the child with the penis buried can take betamethasone anti-inflammatory drug, or pull the foreskin by hand several times a day.
Besides, parents can also opt for surgical treatment. Circumcision surgery in the first month after birth.
For methods of treatment of penile inclusions, parents need to listen to the doctor's advice and instructions to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment for the child. Moreover, early treatment of penile inclusions is very necessary, especially before school age to avoid shyness towards children.

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