Note when using a bottle warmer and sterilizer to ensure baby's safety

The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Doan Ngoc Quynh Tram - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Using a bottle warmer and sterilizing properly before each feeding reduces the risk of bacterial infections. Therefore, parents need to be aware of the issues of warming and sterilizing bottles before letting their baby use these items.

1. Why should baby bottles be sterilized?

Baby bottles when exposed to the environment will be susceptible to the accumulation of microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. They are pathogens that can enter the milk and enter the body through the oral route, causing diarrhea, fungal infections... Therefore, you need to sterilize the bottles properly before giving them to your baby. suck .
In addition, after each use, you need to rinse the bottle with hot water, and store it in a cool and clean container. The use of bottle warmers and sterilizers should be done periodically. However, if your baby is having a cold or flu, the resistance is reduced, you need to disinfect more often. While the older your baby's immune system gets, the better, but it's still a good idea to disinfect feeding aids from time to time, until your baby is completely weaned from the bottle.

2. Things to keep in mind to properly warm and sterilize baby bottles

2.1. Using filtered water Regular tap water has the risk of containing chemicals that are not good for the health of babies and young children. Therefore, you should sterilize it with filtered water. Even if you are sterilizing bottles with steam or using a UV sterilizer, you should still use filtered water in the relevant steps to ensure hygiene.
hâm và tiệt trùng bình sữa
Nên sử dụng nước lọc khi dùng máy hâm và tiệt trùng bình sữa để đảm bảo an toàn cho trẻ
2.2. Cleaning bottles Before sterilizing, you need to clean the bottle, teat and spoon first with warm water and washing solution. To clean the inside of the jar and the detailed parts, you can use a small brush. When washing, care should be taken to remove excess milk or powder from all parts of the bottle, including the lid.
It is advisable to rinse the bottle immediately after the baby is finished feeding to prevent the excess milk from fermenting or becoming dry, making it more difficult to wash. Wash the vessel parts again with soap and rinse thoroughly with water. Wash your hands before sterilizing baby bottles.
2.3. Choose high-quality plastic bottles If you're feeding your baby with plastic bottles, choose products made from high-quality, BPA-free plastic. Sterilize the new bottle before using it for the first time. Alternatively, you can give your baby a glass bottle instead of a plastic one. Without specific instructions, in most cases you can sterilize glass bottles in the same way as plastic bottles.
Regularly check for cracks or scratches before using the bottle warmer and sterilizer. Bacteria easily accumulate in cracks and sometimes remain even after you have cleaned and sterilized.
2.4. Store baby bottles separately Use a separate clean towel to dry baby bottles after sterilizing. Store in a separate place. Bottles should be stored in a special container or storage device and removed only before use.
2.5. Always keep the bottle cap tightly closed After using the warmer and sterilizing bottles, always cover the lid to keep the milk space inside from bacteria entering. Open the bottle cap only before feeding your baby.
2.6. Wash hands Wash hands thoroughly with soap before handling sterilized bottles. To limit the possibility of infection, you can use a tong to take the bottle parts, including nipples, bottle caps... and place them on a clean, dry surface.
After the bottle has been sterilized, it should not be left out for too long. If it has to be left for a long time without a suitable storage place, it should be disinfected before using.

3. Choosing the right bottle warmer and sterilizer

Sterilizing bottle and teat parts requires more time and is more complicated than regular cleaning. Therefore, a baby bottle warmer and sterilizer is a must-have, especially for new parents.
While there are now many options for safely sterilizing baby bottles, including boiling, microwaves, and dishwashers, using a bottle warmer and sterilizer is still a convenient solution. Convenient, easy to use and time saving. Therefore, choosing a suitable heating and sterilizing device is of great interest to many people. The Moaz Bébé MB-005 milk warmer, sterilizer and dryer is considered an effective assistant for mothers, with outstanding features such as:
Exquisite design and modern technology with a large sterilization chamber. Spacious, can hold 5-6 bottles and nipples at the same time. The machine is designed to fit all wide-neck bottles and can sterilize baby's bowls and spoons. The milk heating and sterilization functions work independently of each other, with an accompanying alarm when each process is completed. However, parents need to pay attention to clean things, splash them with water to dry before putting them in the sterilizer because bacteria can easily multiply in a humid environment, so it is recommended that you dry them before sterilizing. Parents should also carefully read the user manual of each model for safe and effective disinfection.
Máy hâm sữa, tiệt trùng và sấy khô Moaz Bébé MB – 005
Máy hâm sữa, tiệt trùng và sấy khô đang là sản phẩm được nhiều mẹ lựa chọn

With many years of experience in examining and treating diseases in children, now the Pediatrics Department at Vinmec International General Hospital has become one of the major health care centers, capable of examining , screening and treatment of many specialized diseases in children. Therefore, if the child shows signs of poor absorption of nutrients, slow weight gain, growth retardation, etc., parents can take the child to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and support. advice from qualified doctors.

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