Syphilis papules (closed syphilis) detected?

Syphilis is caused by spirochetes of syphilis. The disease is transmitted through sexual contact, but can be transmitted through blood, or from a mother with syphilis to her unborn baby during pregnancy.

1. How is a syphilis rash detected?

1.1 Stage 1 Syphilis The first sign of syphilis, which can occur 10 days to 3 months after exposure, is a syphilis rash in the form of a small sore, usually on the genitals, rectum, tongue or lips.
Syphilis rash sores last 3 to 6 weeks and heal on their own without any treatment. However, even if the syphilis rash disappears, you still need to be treated to prevent the disease from turning into a secondary stage.
1.2 Stage 2 Syphilis Signs and symptoms of secondary syphilis may begin 3 to 6 weeks after the appearance of the syphilis rash, and have the following features:
Syphilis rash marked by a dime-sized red or red-brown sore on any area of ​​your body, including the palms of your hands and soles of your feet A syphilis rash that may emerge as the sores The primary ulcer is healing slowly or several weeks after the ulcer has healed. Syphilis rashes are usually not itchy and are sometimes so faint that you won't notice them. Symptoms that accompany a syphilis rash include fever, swollen glands, sore throat, hair loss, headache, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue (feeling very tired). 1.3 Latent Stage The latent stage of syphilis is the time when there are no signs or symptoms of the syphilis rash. If left untreated, it can lead to severe internal organ damage and possibly death.

2. Syphilis test

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Xét nghiệm giang mai

2.1. Look for syphilis spirochetes Take a specimen that is secretions from chancres, mucosal plaques, syphilis papules, and lymph nodes under a black background microscope to test for syphilis spirochetes. Fontana Tribondeau staining will show spirochetes in the form of springs. The presence of specific spirochetes allows the diagnosis of syphilis. 2.2. Serum reactions Blood collection, serum extraction to perform serological reactions:
Classical (non-specific) reactions: Includes complement combination (BW) and cotton reactions (Kahn Citochol,...). Reactions involving cardiolipin antigens: RPR, VDRL. Specific reactions: spirochete immobilization reaction (TPI), immunofluorescence reaction (FTA - Abs), red blood cell agglutination reaction (TPHA or MHA - TP)... Note: If syphilis is present Neurological or cardiovascular syphilis requires additional cerebrospinal fluid to be tested for syphilis.
For the best prevention, you should visit your doctor regularly. Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a Social Disease Screening Package to help early detection and effective treatment of syphilis and many other social diseases.
When registering for the social screening package, customers will receive:
Dermatology examination Perform tests such as: HIV Ab rapid test, Chlamydia rapid test, Treponema pallidium rapid test, Qualitative and quantitative Treponema pallidum TPHA test, bacteriological staining test and endoscopic staining fungus test At Vinmec you will be examined and consulted by specialists in dermatology with many years of experience in the field of treatment. treatment of dangerous social diseases. Experience world-class medical examination and treatment services with the hospital-hotel model. Make you feel at home when you go to treatment.

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