Are the symptoms of bruising at the Implanon implant site and a sharp headache with itching normal?

Hello doctor, I have only been implanted with Implanon for 2 days, my implanted area is bruised, sometimes there is a sharp pain in the tip of the rod, and now there are signs of itching. Please ask the doctor if the symptoms of bruising in the Implanon implant area and a sharp headache with itching are normal? Thank you doctor!
Pham Thanh Loan (1989)
Hello! After 2 days of implanting the contraceptive stick, the implanted area is bruised, sometimes painful at the tip of the stick and slightly itchy; This is a possible side effect and risk when performing the implant procedure.
The next problem is that you should limit movement, touch the implant site, the hand on the side implanted for 1 week. Continue monitoring to see if the bruised area has spread? Is the implant site swollen, hot or not? If yes, I need to go back to the place where I implanted the rod. If it helps, I also need to check again after 1 month. I hope you use safe birth control.
Thank you for trusting and sending the question "Is it normal to have bruising in the Implanon implant area and a sharp headache with itching?" to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Answered by Master, Doctor Vu Thi Hong Chinh - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Women's Health Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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