Differentiate nasopharyngeal cancer from purulent tonsillitis and granulomatous pharyngitis

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Video content is professionally consulted by Senior Doctor, Doctor II Doan Du Dat, Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
Nasopharyngeal cancer, pharyngitis and purulent tonsillitis are diseases with similar symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, sore throat or swelling in the neck... Currently, many people are still confused between the two. these diseases. To be able to distinguish nasopharyngeal cancer, purulent tonsillitis and granulomatous pharyngitis, it is necessary to rely on many factors.
Definition of nasopharyngeal cancer, purulent tonsillitis and granulomatous pharyngitis:
Nasopharyngeal cancer is a malignancy appearing in the back of the nasopharynx of the patient. Nasopharyngeal cancer is different from other cancers when it comes to appearance, causes, behavior and treatment, this is a disease that can occur at any age but mainly 40-60 years old. Granulomatous pharyngitis is a disease that presents a prolonged inflammation of the pharynx mucosa, the lymph nodes have to work too hard, leading to swelling and the formation of granules in the throat. Pharyngitis is divided into two types, acute and chronic. Purulent tonsillitis is a disease that occurs when the grooves on the surface of the tonsils appear many white pus-like masses such as bean paste, cocoon, and emit a bad odor. Anyone is at risk of contracting this disease, so it's important to know the signs of tonsillitis to detect and treat it promptly.

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Hiểu rõ về sức khỏe răng miệng rất quan trọng vì vệ sinh răng miệng không tốt có thể dẫn đến sâu răng, bệnh nướu răng và các biến chứng khác. Sức khỏe răng miệng cũng có thể ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe tổng thể của bạn. Cùng tìm hiểu sự thật đằng sau những lầm tưởng phổ biến về nha khoa để bạn biết cách chăm sóc răng miệng của mình tốt hơn.

Bài dịch từ: webmd.com

Differentiation based on the cause of the disease:
Nasopharyngeal cancer can be caused by Epstein-Barr virus or polluted environmental factors, unhealthy lifestyle, genetics,... Purulent tonsillitis is a consequence. of chronic tonsillitis caused by viruses and bacteria. The cause of granulomatous pharyngitis is more clearly defined than nasopharyngeal cancer. Direct agents of the disease are bacteria, viruses, oral fungi; indirect factors due to changing seasons, poor oral hygiene, complications of chronic pharyngitis or tonsillitis,.... Differentiation based on disease symptoms:
Nasopharyngeal cancer and purulent tonsillitis have the similarities are: Swollen painful lymph nodes in the jaw, choking in the throat causing difficulty in breathing, swallowing and communicating; fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss. In addition, there are differences between them, such as:
Nasopharyngeal cancer causes: Non-clustered migraine, deep pain in the eye sockets, tinnitus, nasal congestion, persistent cough, nasal discharge or nosebleeds, purulent discharge mixed with blood. Purulent tonsillitis causes: Sore throat, fever about 38 degrees, bad breath. Typical manifestations of granulomatous pharyngitis are burning pain, itching and dryness of the throat; red and swollen throat and lymph nodes ; Floating large and small irregular particles in the throat wall cause entanglement when swallowing saliva and food. These symptoms last about 2 weeks and can be cured completely, not silently and as long-lasting as nasopharyngeal cancer. Knowing how to distinguish nasopharyngeal cancer, purulent tonsillitis or pharyngitis will help a lot in life, prevention and treatment of the disease.

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