What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer?

The article was professionally consulted by BSCK II Phung Thi Phuong Chi - Oncologist - Oncology Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Ovarian cancer is one of the dangerous diseases that women are at risk for, with a very high mortality rate. In the early stages, the disease often has no specific symptoms, easy to be confused with other common diseases. This article will answer the common questions of women today such as what are the signs of ovarian cancer, what are the symptoms of ovarian cancer?

1. Abdominal pain and pelvic pain

Women often experience abdominal pain and pelvic pain on the days of menstruation. But if the pain occurs even in normal days, it could be a warning sign of ovarian cancer. The phenomenon of abdominal pain gradually worsens and lasts for hours, making women extremely uncomfortable, greatly affecting life and work.
Many women have unusual abdominal pain, when they go for an ultrasound, they find out that they have ovarian cancer.

2. Frequent pain below the waist

Back pain is a symptom of many different diseases. If you are sure that you do not have any bone-related diseases but still have frequent lower back pain, you should get checked soon, because this is one of the quite typical signs of ovarian cancer. egg.
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3. Bloating, Nausea, Indigestion

These are all common symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. But people with ovarian cancer will feel bloated and nauseous even if they don't eat anything. It is a warning sign that the tumor is growing rapidly, compressing the abdomen. If this condition occurs continuously every day, you should see a doctor to find out the cause, most likely malignant cells in the ovaries have appeared.

4. Anorexia, fast eating

One of the symptoms of ovarian cancer that women may experience is anorexia, loss of appetite, and fast eating.

5. Constipation

This is also one of the typical symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, but patients with ovarian cancer will also have this sign. It is caused by a tumor in the ovary that enlarges, compresses or invades the intestines and stomach.
Many people are often subjective, thinking that they are constipated because they do not eat enough fiber, eat less green vegetables or have intestinal diseases, so they do not go to the doctor. Until the condition of constipation took place continuously for a long time, the severity gradually increased to go to the doctor, then the tumor had grown very large, posing a danger to health..
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6. Sudden weight loss

Women with ovarian cancer may experience sudden weight loss. This is one of the early signs of this terrible disease. If you don't exercise, don't diet, your diet doesn't change and you still lose weight, you should think about the possibility of ovarian cancer.

7. Tired people

Even when not working hard, even resting you still feel tired, people have no energy, lack of energy, it can be a warning sign of cancer in general, including cancer. Ovarian Cancer .
Patients may have difficulty breathing, nausea. The lack of appetite, eating quickly, causing the patient not to be provided with adequate nutrients is also one of the causes of fatigue in the body.

8. Frequent urination

Frequent urination, many times a day can be a sign of diseases of the urinary tract, bladder, but it can also be a sign of a tumor in the ovary growing, getting bigger, pressing. bladder causing you to feel the need to urinate frequently.

9. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding, Irregular Menstruation

People with ovarian cancer will have signs of abnormal vaginal bleeding. There may also be menstrual irregularities. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately to protect your health.

10. Pain during sex

Pain during sex is a sign that the tumor has grown to a large size. The more severe the pain, the bigger the tumor. Women often feel pain in the right or left side of the pelvis during sex.
The signs of ovarian cancer are often very basic, easily confused with diseases of the digestive tract, bones, joints, and urinary tract... Most cases are not detected early, only when When the disease spreads to the abdomen and pelvis, the patient goes to the doctor and discovers the disease. However, at this time, the cancer cells have begun to metastasize, the treatment is very difficult, women may become infertile, even die.
All of the above symptoms can occur in a woman with a benign pathology. However, if symptoms persist and occur more than 12 times a month, you need to see your doctor to find out if there's a serious problem going on and for your doctor to determine if you have cancer. ovarian cancer or not, help detect and treat as early as possible.
In addition, periodic health check-ups and cancer screening are also measures to prevent and detect disease early, helping the treatment process.
The package of screening and early detection of gynecological cancer at Vinmec International General Hospital is the optimal solution for women to prevent gynecological cancers, including ovarian cancer. When participating in this package, women will be examined and consulted with a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and at the same time screened for cancer with a modern and modern machine system, always updating the latest and most effective techniques on the Internet. world.
Doctor Phung Thi Phuong Chi has 20 years of professional experience at Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital with strengths in cancer examination, diagnosis, and surgical treatment and chemotherapy.
Doctor Chi participated in domestic and foreign training courses and was one of the first surgeons to perform Laparoscopic Gynecological Cancer Surgery in Ho Chi Minh City.

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