Uses of Clavart

Clavart is a prescription antibiotic for bacterial infections. Let's learn more about what is Clavart? When and how should Clavart be used?

1. What is Clavart?

Clavart is an antiparasitic, antifungal and antiviral drug, used by prescription of a doctor / pharmacist. Clavart is manufactured by pharmaceutical company Lark Laboratories., Ltd - INDIA under registration number VN.-.18629.-.15.
The main ingredient in Clavart is the active ingredient:
Amoxicillin 500mg; Clavulanic acid 125mg; In addition, in Clavart, there are excipients as announced by the manufacturer. Clavart is packaged in a box of 2 blisters x 7 film-coated tablets.

2. Uses of Clavart

Clavart is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Clavart's main ingredients are two antibiotics Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid. This combination in Clavart prevents amoxicillin from being destroyed by beta-lactamases.
In addition, this combination also extends the antibacterial spectrum of Amoxicillin - the active ingredient in Clavart. From there, helping Clavart to have the ability to kill bacteria effectively. In particular, Clavart also has the ability to kill bacteria that are resistant to some other antibiotics such as:
Amoxicillin; Other Penicillins; Cephalosporins. Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in Clavart are both readily absorbed orally. Clavart when taken orally, the concentration of active ingredients in the drug in the serum reaches a maximum from 1 to 2 hours after taking it. Clavart is excreted unchanged in the urine.

3. Designation of Clavart

Drug Clavart is indicated in the following cases:
Tonsillitis ; Sinusitis; Otitis media treated with conventional antibiotics; Acute and chronic bronchitis; Pneumonia-bronchial pneumonia. Cystitis ; Urethritis ; Pyelonephritis; Acne; Abscess; Wound infection; Osteomyelitis; Alveolar abscess; The sub department of infection ; Abdominal inflammation; ... To use Clavart safely, use as directed.

4. Dosage and how to use Clavart

Clavart is to be taken as directed orally. You can drink Clavart with filtered / boiled water to cool. To avoid interactions, side effects when taking Clavart, you should not drink it with tea/milk/coffee/wine and beer...
Dosage of Clavart is usually calculated according to the amount of Amoxicillin contained in the drug. Accordingly, the recommended dose of Clavart includes:
Adults and children ≥ 12 years old take 1 tablet every 12 hours for mild and moderate infections. For severe infections, the dose of Clavart is 1 tablet every 8 hours. In addition, for children from 6 years old, weighing less than 25kg, can be used in other dosage forms such as liquid mixture or powder. Note: Take Clavart after meals to reduce the risk of effects on the digestive system. Do not take Clavart for more than 14 days.

5. Contraindications Clavart

Do not use Clavart for the following subjects:
Allergic; Hypersensitivity; Jaundice; Hepatobiliary disorders; ... Clavart is only safe when used as indicated.

6. Clavart drug interactions

When using Clavart may interact with some drugs and ingredients such as:
Anticoagulants; Birth control pills ; Probenecid; ... To avoid interactions, do not tell your doctor about all medications you are taking when prescribed Clavart.

7. Clavart side effects

Clavart can cause side effects such as:
Diarrhea ; External Affairs; Itchy; Eosinophilia ; Nausea; Vomiting Hepatitis; Cholestatic jaundice; Increased transaminases; Anaphylaxis; Quincke's edema; Decreased platelets/leukocytes; Hemolytic anemia ; Pseudomembranous colitis; Stevens–Johnson syndrome; Erythema; Exfoliative dermatitis; Epidermal necrosis; Interstitial nephritis ; ... The side effects of taking Clavart were not the same between subjects. However, when taking Clavart, monitor and inform your doctor of any side effects to be treated.

8. Caution Clavart

Clavart should be used with caution in patients with hepatic/renal impairment.

9. Clavart overdose and treatment

When using Clavart in an overdose, it rarely causes complications. Because Clavart is well tolerated when used in high doses. However, when an acute reaction occurs when an overdose of Clavart is required, symptomatic management or hemodialysis is required.

10. Can pregnant and lactating women use Clavart?

Pregnant women should not use Clavart, especially in the first 3 months; Women who are breast-feeding can use Clavart, but need to be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. Because there is some risk of sensitization because a small part of Clavart can be excreted in breast milk.

11. Storing Clavart

Clavart is well stored at room temperature.
Above is all information about Clavart, you need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult your doctor / pharmacist before use. Note, Clavart is a prescription drug, you absolutely must not buy medicine and treat it at home because you may encounter unwanted side effects.

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