Uses of Manpos

Medicine Manpos is used against parasites, infections and antibacterial. Before using Manpos medicine, you should consult with your doctor for further instructions. The following is a share to help readers understand what Manpos medicine does?

1. Uses of the drug Manpos

Manpos drug belongs to the list of anti-inflammatory drugs. This drug is usually used to treat patients who are indicated for the treatment of infections in one or more of the following cases
Upper respiratory tract infections; otitis media; Sinusitis ; Sore throat; Tonsillitis ; Acute pneumonia; Gonococcal infection carries a risk of complications; Uncomplicated urinary tract infections; Skin and skin structural tissue infections. In addition, if you have other bacterial infections, you should consult your doctor to choose a more suitable anti-infective drug. Manpos medicine can also be used for some other cases that are not in the prescription indications. With extra-indications, the doctor will carefully consider the effectiveness as well as the effects of Manpos to ensure maximum use for Manpos.

2. Dosage and how to use Manpos

Manpos drugs are used orally and can be used with many different subjects. You can refer to the drug dosage according to some indications below:
Acute otitis media: 10mg/kg daily dose for 10 days. Note that it is not recommended to take more than 400mg per day and the daily dose is divided into 2 times. Pharyngitis, tonsillitis: 10mg/kg, used for 10 days. Use up to 200 mg per day in divided doses. Moderate and severe renal impairment requires dose adjustment and dose intervals adjusted 24 hours apart. Patients with cirrhotic syndrome can use the usual dose without dose adjustment. Adults:
Upper respiratory tract infections including pharyngitis and tonsillitis use 100mg per day. Dosage 190 days each time taking the drug 12 hours apart. Acute infectious pneumonia 200mg/time. Each drug is used 12 hours apart and treatment lasts for 14 days. For gonococcal infections, a single dose of 200 mg is used. Infections in diabetic patients have not been recorded complications using Manpos for 7 days. Each dose is 100mg administered 12 hours apart. Bacterial infections on the skin and epithelial cells use treatment 7-14 days. The dose of Manpos is 400 mg and 12 hours apart. Dosage of Manpos may vary due to the individual case of each patient. If you have a medical condition that affects the effectiveness of the drug, your doctor will adjust the dose to suit your health and actual treatment capacity.

3. Notes before taking Manpos

Before using the drug Manpos, you should carefully study the composition of the drug. Any ingredients you are allergic to or interact with tell your doctor. In case of allergy to drug ingredients, especially Cefpodoxime proxetil, please inform your doctor because this is a contraindication to using Manpos medicine.
When using Manpos medicine, it is necessary to pay attention to avoid dangerous side effects. Be sure to store your medicine according to your doctor's instructions. It is necessary to ensure that the medicine has an expiry date, is stored at a temperature of 25 degrees and is dry and not exposed to strong light.

4. Manpos side effects

Drugs after clinical studies have been found to have some side effects affecting health. The reported side effects can be long-term or transient, so you need to properly assess the nature and have a solution to deal with it when detected.
Nausea; Diarrhea ; Vomit; Stomachache; Headache ; Colitis . Usually, you will notice the above side effects. You may also experience other dangerous and potentially serious side effects. However, these side effects are quite rare, so patients are easily ignored.
Allergy; Itchy rash; Increased platelets; Dizzy; Leukopenia; Eosinophilia; Decreased platelets. All side effects need to be prevented and handled promptly to avoid serious health effects. Patients themselves should actively check their health periodically and exchange information with the doctor for the most effective treatment advice and support.

5. Interaction with the drug Manpos

When using Manpos with some H2 inhibitors or antacids, you need to pay attention to check the drug concentration in the blood plasma. Studies have shown that Manpos, when co-administered with certain drugs, reduces plasma concentrations of the drug found by 30%. In addition, the risk of hepatotoxicity should also be considered when the concentration of Manpos drug changes.
Manpos may make a mistake or report a false positive when testing. Be careful when taking Manpos and you need to consult your doctor for instructions on interactions based on the prescription you took and your medical condition at the time.
Manpos drugs have any effect that has been shared and clarified by the article above. As a patient, you should pay attention when treating to avoid self-medication causing serious health problems.

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