Uses of Maxxpitor 200

Maxxpitor 200mg contains active ingredient Fenofibrate which is indicated in the treatment of hyperlipidemia including hypertriglyceridemia, cholesterol alone and in combination with an appropriate diet... Let's learn about the uses, the notes When using the drug Maxxpitor 200 through the article below.

1. Uses of the drug Maxxpitor 200

“What does Maxxpitor 200 do? ". Maxxpitor 200 contains the active ingredient Fenofibrate 200mg, which is prepared in the form of hard capsules. Fenofibrate is a derivative of fibric acid, acting by inhibiting cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver, reducing atherogenic components such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), and increased production of high-density lipoprotein. high HDL and low blood triglycerides. Therefore, fenofibrate, which significantly improves plasma cholesterol distribution, is used in the treatment of hyperlipoproteinemia types IIb, IIa, III, IV and V in addition to a lipid-restricted diet.
Maxxpitor 200 is indicated in the treatment of dyslipidemia in adults. Specifically, type IIa hypercholesterolemia, endogenous hypertriglyceridemia alone or in combination when diet proves ineffective....

2. Dosage of the drug Maxxpitor 200

The dose of Maxxpitor 200 is prescribed by the treating doctor based on the age and medical condition of the patient. Some recommendations on the dosage of Maxxpitor 200 are as follows:
Adults: The starting dose is usually 200mg/day, divided into 2 doses at breakfast - dinner. In case the patient has a high cholesterol level above 4g/l, consider increasing the dose to 300mg/day divided into 3 doses at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The dose should be maintained until blood cholesterol levels return to normal. Patients should be checked blood cholesterol every 3 months, if the blood lipid index increases, the dose should be increased again to 300mg/day; Children over 10 years old: It is necessary to determine the exact cause of hyperlipidemia in children. It is recommended to try treatment in combination with a closely controlled diet for 3 months. The recommended dose of Maxxpitor 200 is 5mg/kg/day. In special cases such as high blood lipids with clinical signs of atherosclerosis... the dose can be increased, but it should be prescribed by the treating doctor. Patients whose blood lipid levels have not decreased after 3-6 months of fenofibrate therapy should be changed to more appropriate therapy.

3. Side effects of Maxxpitor 200

Maxxpitor 200 may cause some side effects as follows:
Common: Epigastric distension, gastrointestinal disturbances, abdominal distention, nausea, mild diarrhea, urticaria, rash, skin rash specific, increased serum transaminases, myalgia; Rare: Cholelithiasis, loss of libido, sperm count, impotence, leukopenia. Patients need to stop using Maxxpitor 200 and notify the treating doctor in case of any unwanted effects.

4. Note when using Maxxpitor 200

4.1. Contraindications The use of Maxxpitor 200 is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with severe renal failure; Patients with severe liver dysfunction; Children under 10 years old. 4.2. Precautions for use Some notes when using Maxxpitor 200 are as follows:
Patients should be tested for liver and kidney function before treatment with Fenofibrate; Patients on anticoagulant therapy: Before treatment with Maxxpitor 200mg, it is necessary to reduce the anticoagulant dose to at least 1/3 of the old dose and adjust the dose as necessary. Regularly monitor blood prothrombin levels and adjust anticoagulant dose during treatment and 18 days after discontinuation of fibrate; Weakness is a factor that increases the risk of muscle side effects when using Maxxpitor 200; Patients should check transaminase levels every 3 months during the first 12 months of drug therapy; Patients need to stop treatment with Maxxpitor in case SGPT level (ALT) > 100 international units; Do not combine fenofibrate with drugs with toxic effects on the liver, biliary complications are likely to occur in patients with cholestatic cirrhosis or gallstones; As for the 300mg Maxxpitor drug not for use in children, only use this strength tablet in patients who need a dose of 300mg Fenofibrate/day.

5. Drug interactions Maxxpitor 200

Maxxpitor 200mg can cause some unwanted effects as follows:
Using Maxxpitor 200 together with HMG CoA reductase (including Simvastatin, Pravastatin, Fluvastatin) will increase the risk of muscle damage, acute pancreatitis; Using the combination of Ciclosporin and Fibrate increases the risk of muscle damage; Fenofibrate enhances the effect of anticoagulants, thereby increasing the risk of bleeding because fenofibrate displaces these drugs from plasma binding. Patients need to monitor prothrombin levels regularly, adjust anticoagulant dose during treatment with fenofibrate and 8 days after stopping the drug; Do not use Maxxpitor 200 concurrently with hepatotoxic drugs (Perhexiline maleate, MAO inhibitors...). Drug interactions occur that reduce the therapeutic effect of Fenofibrate, increasing the risk of unwanted effects. Therefore, patients need to inform their doctor about the drugs and supplements they are using before being treated with Maxxpitor to ensure safety and effectiveness in treatment.

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