Uses of medicine Didhanamax

Didhanamax belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs. The drug is prepared in the form of enteric coated tablets with the main ingredients being Pancreatin, Bovine Gallbladder, Dimethicone, Hemicellulase. So what does Didhanamax do, let's find out through the article below.

1. What is Didhanamax?

Didhanamax belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, prepared in the form of enteric coated tablets. The drug has the main ingredients as Pancreatin 175mg, cow bile 25mg, Dimethicone 25mg, Hemicellulose 50mg, along with other medicinal fish, just enough for one tablet. Packaging of the drug includes a box of 10 blisters, each blister of 10 tablets.

2. Indications - Contraindications to the use of Didhanamax

Ingredients Pancreatin in Didhanamax is prepared from the pancreas of cows, pigs,... Therefore, the drug contains digestive enzymes in the pancreas such as amylase, trypsin, lipase. With Dimethicone acts as a protective film against flatulence. That's why the drug Didhanamax is often indicated for cases of flatulence, indigestion, overeating, anorexia.
Contraindicated to use Didhanamax for people with a history of allergy to any of its ingredients.

3. Instructions for using Didhanamax and dosage

Didhanamax is prepared in the form of enteric coated tablets, so it should be used orally. You should take the medicine after a meal and drink it directly with water. When taking orally, it is necessary to swallow the tablet whole, do not chew or crush the medicine before taking it.
Dosage of Didhanamax for adults and children from 7 years of age and older: The recommended dose is from 1 to 2 tablets per dose, should be used 3 times per day.

4. Unwanted side effects during the use of Didhanamax

The side effects that Didhanamax cause can appear with different frequencies, the most common symptoms are: Rash, itching, rash, sneezing, watery eyes. If a patient shows any of the above symptoms, they should immediately go to the medical center and contact the doctor to get help.

5. Things to note in the process of using Didhanamax

Absolutely do not use Didhanamax medicine for subjects of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug in any way. List the drugs or supplements you are taking before taking Didhanamax so that your doctor can know and advise to avoid unwanted drug interactions. If you miss a dose of Didhanamax, leave the missed dose and do not double the dose for the next dose. However, to ensure effective treatment, you should not skip more than 2 doses of the drug. You need to strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor, do not arbitrarily increase the dose or skip the dose to avoid possible side effects, affecting your health. You must not use the drug Didhanamax when you see unusual manifestations on the drug such as color change, watery, moldy, ... Didhanamax drug has effective treatment in cases of flatulence, indigestion, overeating, anorexic. That's why the drug Didhanamax is widely used. However, before using the drug, you should learn all the information about the drug and consult your doctor for further advice.

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