Uses of Natrofen

Natrofen medicine contains the active ingredient Cefprozil 500mg and other excipients in sufficient quantities. This is an antibiotic that works in the treatment of skin infections, ear infections, and other types of bacterial infections.

1. What is Natrofen?

Natrofen is an antibiotic used in the treatment of bacterial infections, with the main active ingredient being Cefprozil 500mg and other excipients just enough for 1 tablet. Cefprozil belongs to the group of cephalosporin antibiotics, which are used to treat ear infections, skin infections, and other bacterial infections. The mechanism of action of this antibiotic is inhibition of cell wall synthesis.

2. What disease does Natrofen treat?

Natrofen medicine treats mild to moderate infections caused by strains of bacteria as listed below:
Upper respiratory tract infections:
Treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis caused by strains of St. pyogenes. Treatment of otitis media caused by St. pneumoniae, H. influenza. Treatment of acute sinusitis caused by churng St. pneumoniae, H. influenzae. Lower respiratory tract infections:
Treatment of secondary infections in cases of acute bronchitis or exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Skin and Structural Infections:
Treatment of skin and structural infections that are uncomplicated and require surgery for abscesses.

3. Usage and dosage of Natrofen

3.1. How to take Natrofen: Natrofen is made in tablet form and should be taken orally. When taking orally, do not crush or crush the tablet, take the whole tablet with boiled water to cool. The time to take the medicine is after eating. 3.2. Dosage of Natrofen: The following therapeutic doses are for adults and children from 13 years of age and older:
Treatment dosage for people with sore throat, tonsillitis: 500mg per day, equivalent to 1 tablet , divided into 1 time a day. The maintenance dose is for a period of 10 days. Dosage for people with acute sinusitis: 500-1000 mg per day, equivalent to 1-2 tablets, divided into 2 times a day. The maintenance dose is for a period of 10 days. Dosage for acute bronchitis with secondary infection: 500mg per day, equivalent to 1 tablet, divided into 2 times a day. The maintenance dose is for a period of 10 days. Dosage for people with dermatitis without complications: 500mg per day, equivalent to 1 tablet, divided into 1-2 times a day. The maintenance dose is for a period of 10 days.

4. In case of over/forgotten dose

In case of overdose: Manifestations of drug overdose are similar to symptoms of side effects. Besides, you may experience signs of liver and kidney toxicity. The doctor will order to closely monitor the signs on the skin, face, blood pressure and take precautions because the dangerous condition can progress very quickly. In case of missed dose: You need to remember the dosing schedule, avoid forgetting the dose; If you miss a dose, you need to skip the missed dose, do not overlap the dose with the next dose. Note that, you absolutely, should not skip the dose more than 2 times in a row.

5. Undesirable effects of Natrofen

Adverse effects on the digestive system, including:
Nausea, vomiting a lot; Abdominal pain may be accompanied by diarrhea. Adverse effects on the hepatobiliary system: impaired liver function leading to jaundice.
Skin adverse effects such as erythema or urticaria.
Adverse effects on the nervous system:
Dizziness, brown eyes, dizziness, headache and fatigue; Insomnia, feeling euphoric. Other common adverse effects:
Increase in blood urea and creatinine; Decrease in white blood cell count; Vaginitis . Uncommon side effects:
Fever or anaphylactic reactions; Edema, decreased platelet count; Inflammation of the colon. During the course of treatment, if you notice any abnormality that is suspected to be caused by the use of Natrofen, you need to proactively notify your treating doctor so that you can handle it promptly and accurately.

6. Interactions of Natrofen

During use, Natrofen may interact with a number of other drug groups, affecting the absorption capacity, as well as the ability to metabolize and eliminate, reduce the effect or cause toxicity. for the body such as:
Aminoglycoside antibiotics, specifically: Streptomycin, Kanamycin, Tobramycin, Neomycin and Gentamicin. Gout treatment drugs such as Probenecid You need to proactively inform your treating doctor for advice on health protection drugs or foods you are taking at this time to avoid the occurrence of adverse drug interactions.

7. Some notes when using Natrofen

7.1. Contraindications of Natrofen Do not use Natrofen for people with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the drug.
Do not use Natrofen for people who are allergic to Cephalosporin antibiotics
7.2. Attention and caution when using Natrofen Pregnant and lactating women; Care should be taken when using Natrofen when driving or operating heavy machinery because the drug affects the nervous system. When using the drug with subjects with impaired kidney function Consider using the drug with people with a history of drug allergies such as Cefprozil, Cephalosporin, Penicillin During the use of Natrofen, you absolutely follow the instructions. about the therapeutic dose of the treating doctor, avoid increasing or decreasing the dose to speed up the treatment time. Before stopping using Natrofen, you need to consult your doctor. Note:
If you notice that Natrofen appears strange signs such as discoloration, deformation, watery, you should not use that medicine. again. Natrofen medicine should be stored in a dry place, with moderate humidity and avoid direct sunlight. without knowing

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