Uses of Remos Anti - Itch

Remos Anti-Itch is a special product line, used to treat itching, contact dermatitis, allergies, urticaria or rashes. This medicine helps reduce itching, inflammation of the skin, soothes the skin and regenerates the skin to help the skin return to normal soon. The drug is not only used for adults but also used in cases of heat rash in children.

1. What is Remos Anti - Itch drug?

What is Remos Anti - Itch drug? Remos Anti-Itch drug has the main ingredients including: Lidocaine with the strength of 200mg, Diphenhydramine with the content of 100mg, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate with the content of 100mg and other excipients in sufficient quantity.
Remos Anti-Itch is formulated in the form of a gel for topical application, the formula combines anti-itching, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and skin-restoring active ingredients, helping to reduce itching accompanied with discomfort, insomnia. , affecting daily life.
Effects of active ingredients in Remos Anti - Itch:
Active ingredient Lidocaine: Lidocaine is a local anesthetic of the amide type, acting by reversible inhibition of impulse generation and conduction. nerve. Active ingredient Diphenhydramine: This is an antihistamine derivative of ethanolamine, with pronounced anticholinergic and sedative effects, by inhibiting the action on H1 receptors on cells. Active ingredient Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate: Used in anti-inflammatory, reducing redness and swelling. This active ingredient has a good effect in skin care, making the skin soft, reducing flaking, soothing the skin, and fighting irritation. Therefore, this active ingredient can improve the damage on the surface of the skin. In addition, it also has the ability to inhibit Melanin, so this drug is considered a potential drug in the treatment of diseases related to skin pigmentation. The formula combines active ingredients to overcome itching, redness, inflammation, prevent infection and restore skin.

2. What disease is Remos Anti - Itch used to treat?

Remos Anti-itch medicine is indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of itching, insect bites, eczema, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, urticaria, erythema on the skin or treatment of heat rash in children.

3. Usage and dosage of Remos Anti - Itch

3.1. How to use Remos Anti - Itch Apply the medicine to the affected area and around it 2 to 3 times a day. For the treatment to be effective, you should apply the medicine regularly every day. In addition, follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist. 3.2. Dosage of Remos Anti - Itch Apply a sufficient amount of gel to the area to be treated, several times a day.
Note: The treatment dose as the information provided above is for reference only. The specific treatment dose depends on the individual's medical condition and severity. To get a specific and appropriate treatment dose, you need another visit and consult with your treating doctor or medical professional.
3.3. In case of drug overdose Remos Anti-Itch overdose can cause itching, rash, redness of the skin. If this happens, you need to stop taking the medicine and consult your treating doctor or pharmacist.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Remos Anti - Itch

Besides the effects of the drug Remos Anti - Itch, during treatment you may also experience some unwanted effects such as arachnoiditis, visual disturbances, dry mouth, heart rhythm disturbances,... However, these effects are very rare.
In case of any symptoms that are suspected to be due to the effects of Remos Anti - Itch, including skin or internal organs, you should actively inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately for advice. counseling, avoiding the case of disregarding the strange symptoms and mistaking them as just normal symptoms.

5. Possible interactions of the drug Remos Anti - Itch

During the use of Remos Anti-Itch, there may be competition or interaction between this drug and other topical drugs, causing toxicity or reducing the therapeutic effect of Remos Anti-Itch. .
In order for the treatment process to have the best results, it is necessary to actively list the drugs you are using so that your treating doctor can understand and give timely advice to optimize the process. treatment.

6. Some notes when using Remos Anti - Itch

Before using the drug Remos Anti - Itch you need to carefully read the instructions for use and refer to the information below.
6.1. Remos Anti - Itch is contraindicated in the following cases:
Do not use Remos Anti - Itch for people who are hypersensitive to one of its ingredients. Do not use Remos Anti - Itch medicinal preparations to apply to the skin around the eyes, mucous membranes and open wounds. 6.2. Precautions while using Remos Anti - Itch Consult your treating doctor or pharmacist before using the drug in the following cases:
Undergoing a course of treatment. Family or personal history of allergies to the ingredients of the drug. People with a history of drug-induced allergies. Women who are pregnant or who are breastfeeding. People who sweat a lot or have pus, swelling, inflammation, severe eczema. 6.3. What should you pay attention to before taking the drug? Before using Remos Anti - Itch, patients should pay attention to the following:
Children or infants should use Remos Anti - Itch under the guidance of adults. Remos Anti - Itch is for external use only. Do not apply to eyes, mucous membranes, open wounds. If product gets into eyes or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with water or warm water. Do not use Remos Anti - Itch after the expiration date (indicated on the package). Stop using and consult your treating doctor or pharmacist in the following cases:
Remos Anti - Itch causes itching, rash, swelling, redness of the skin. The condition does not improve after 5 to 6 days of taking the drug. 6.4. Effects on special groups of people Effects on ability to drive and use machines: There have been no reports of adverse reactions or studies on the effects of Remos Anti - Itch on with the ability to drive and operate machinery. Pregnancy: Currently, there are no adequate studies on the safety of Remos Anti - Itch for mothers and fetuses. Therefore, you need to actively consult your treating doctor or pharmacist before using the drug to ensure your health and avoid affecting the fetus. Breast-feeding: There are currently no adequate studies on the safety of Remos Anti-Itch in a nursing infant. Therefore, you need to actively consult your treating doctor or pharmacist before using this medicine. Store Remos Anti - Itch in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children and pets, before use you should carefully check the expiry date of the medicine.
Above is all information about the drug Remos Anti - Itch, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Remos Anti - Itch medicine to treat diseases at home, because there may be unwanted side effects on health.
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