Uses of Rinoflam

The drug Rinoflam belongs to the group of herbal and animal origin, which is prepared in the form of hard capsules. The composition of the drug Rinoflam includes willow, licorice ... is indicated to treat low limbs shrinkage, edema, emphysema ... Patients should learn the drug carefully information about ingredients, how to use before use.

1. Pharmacological effects of the drug Rinoflam

The main ingredient of the drug Rinoflam has a pharmacological effect on the organ systems:
Hemlock oil multiplied by the corresponding dose has an effect on the respiratory system. Low doses of Rinoflam have respiratory effects, but high doses can cause respiratory depression. The intended ingredient of Rinoflam is to have an effect on tumor cells, and at the same time inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, the intended component of Rinoflam also has an effect on skeletal muscle with a tendency to decrease and stop contraction. This effect involves smooth muscle but does not affect the nerves. Licorice in Rinoflam medicine has the effect of only sputum, sputum, stimulate the secretion of pharynx and trachea, thereby making sputum thinner. Besides, licorice also helps to cool down and fight arrhythmia. Licorice of the drug Rinoflam also has the effects of laxatives, clearing heat, detoxifying, and regulating medicines. Should be used raw if you want to clear, or if you want to moderate, then grill. When roasting licorice, it can cure damaged spleen but loose digestion, bad taste but thirst, waste and cough.

2. Indications for use of Rinoflam

Rinoflam medicine is indicated in spleen condition, tonic waste, heat clearing, low blood pressure, edema, low numbness in limbs, cramps, diarrhea due to damaged spleen, lung cancer, long cancer, only system, detoxification, bad breath. , apple heat damage new epidemic, sore throat, swollen boil poison, poisoned, regulate the medicine.
However, the drug is also contraindicated for women who are pregnant, who are constipated, or have short breaths, welding into the tendons, the spleen is not low. Or the cases of kidney failure, spleen yin deficiency, qi deficiency, dry fluid, weak spleen, stagnation...

3. Dosage and how to use Rinoflam

Rinoflam drug is recommended to use a dose of 8 to 30 grams and is used in the form of a decoction, which can be used alone or in combination with other herbs. Treatment of urinary stones with ingredients containing 20 grams of will with 600ml of water and then 200ml of water to drink continuously until normal urination Treatment of lung disease and vomiting blood with ingredients containing 40 grams of will , 400ml of water and 200ml of decoction, and at the same time add a little alcohol to drink twice a day and use for 10 days for effective results. Above is the important information about Rinoflam medicine, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and use according to the dose prescribed by the doctor to get the best effect.
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