Uses of Supvid3

Supvid3 drug is prepared in the form of an oral solution, with the main ingredient being vitamin D3. The drug is used to prevent and treat vitamin D deficiency.

1. Uses of the drug Supvid3

Supvid3 medicine is prepared in the form of a box of 1 tube x 1ml, containing vitamin D3 200,000IU and excipients just enough 1ml.
Vitamin D3 has many uses such as:
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis; When in active form, vitamin D3 combined with Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone has the effect of regulating calcium concentration in serum; Vitamin D3 maintains normal serum phosphorus and calcium concentrations (thanks to its ability to increase absorption of minerals from meals, in the small intestine, increasing their mobilization from the bones into the blood); Response was negative for parathyroid hormone production. Indications for the use of Supvid3: Prophylaxis and treatment of vitamin D deficiency.
Contraindications to using Supvid3:
Hypersensitivity to vitamin D and ingredients/excipients in the drug formula; People with hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, vitamin D toxicity; Patients with kidney stones, severe renal failure, nephrocalcinosis syndrome, placebo parathyroid or hypoparathyroidism.

2. Usage and dosage of Supvid3

Usage: Orally. The patient drinks directly from the ampoule.
Dosage in children:
Prophylaxis: Recommended in subjects with vitamin D deficiency due to nutrition or lack of sun exposure: Children aged 0-18 months: Do not use rich milk vitamin D or children with pigmented skin use 1 ampoule/6 months; Children aged 18 months - 18 years: If there is no digestive disease, children use 1 ampoule when starting in winter. If there is a digestive disease or are using anticonvulsants, the child should use 1 ampoule every 3 months. Treatment: Use 1 tube/6 months, can take 1 more time in 6 months. Thereafter, continue regular prophylaxis to prevent recurrence of vitamin D deficiency. Maximum dose is 600,000 IU/year Dosage in adults and elderly:
Prophylaxis: Elderly or elderly Adults at risk of vitamin deficiency (except for cases of digestive diseases, with anticonvulsant treatment), the dose of 1 ampoule/6 months; Treatment: Use 1 ampoule, can take 1-2 more times within 6 months. After that, users continue to take regular prophylaxis to prevent the risk of recurrence of vitamin deficiency. The maximum dose is 600,000 IU/year. Missed dose: Skip, take the next dose as directed, do not double the dose.
Overdose: When supplementing with Supvid3 overdose, the patient has symptoms of hypercalcemia and vitamin D toxicity. If the drug overdose and serious side effects appear, the patient should be hospitalized immediately for treatment. timely treatment. Treatment includes: Stop taking the drug, stop taking calcium supplements, drink plenty of water and give fluids. If necessary, corticosteroids, calcium-chelating diuretics, hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis can be used. In case of recent overdose, vomiting and gastric lavage may occur.

3. Side effects of the drug Supvid3

Normally, taking doses of vitamin D3 is not toxic. High doses of vitamin D or prolonged or increased response at normal doses can lead to disturbances in calcium metabolism, causing hypercalcemia and vitamin D toxicity. In young children there may be an increased response to small amounts of vitamin D. Symptoms include:
Common: Weakness, diarrhea, constipation, somnolence, dry mouth, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in mouth, dizziness, tinnitus, muscle cramps in the ears. abdomen, bone pain, exanthema, ataxia, excitability, myalgia , hypotonia; Uncommon: Runny nose, pruritus, decreased libido, osteoporosis in adults, nephrocalcinosis, renal dysfunction (nocturia, polyuria, proteinuria, polydipsia, decreased urine density). ..; Rarely: May increase substances in the urine (Albumin phosphate, calcium); increased blood levels of nitrogen urea, cholesterol, AST, ALT; arrhythmia; hypertension ; decreased serum alkaline phosphatase levels. If you see any side effects of Supvid3, the patient should immediately notify the doctor for timely treatment.

4. Be careful when using Supvid3

Before and while using Supvid3, users should note:
The recommended use of vitamin D for pregnant women is 600IU. If a pregnant woman's diet does not provide enough vitamin D or lacks sun exposure, vitamin D should be supplemented to the recommended dose. Therefore, vitamin D supplements should be used with other doses suitable for pregnant women; Supvid3 is secreted into breast milk. Vitamin D concentrations in milk are approximately equal to serum vitamin D concentrations in exclusively breastfed infants. Therefore, vitamin D in doses above 600IU should not be used by nursing mothers. Therefore, nursing mothers should supplement vitamin D as prescribed by the doctor; Supvid3 should be used with caution in people with sarcoidosis, impaired renal function, hypoparathyroidism, heart disease, atherosclerosis.

5. Supvid3 . drug interactions

Drug interactions can change the effect of the drug or increase the side effects. Some drug interactions of Supvid3 include:
Concomitant use of Supvid3 with thiazide diuretics in people with hypoparathyroidism has the risk of increasing blood calcium. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the dose or temporarily discontinue vitamin D3; Concomitant use of Supvid3 with Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, other substances that induce liver enzymes can reduce plasma concentrations of 25 - Hydroxy Ergocalciferol, 25 - Hydroxy - Colecalciferol, increase the metabolism of vitamin D3 into inactive substances; Concomitant use of Supvid3 with Corticosteroids interferes with the effectiveness of vitamin D3; Concomitant use of Supvid3 with cardiac glycosides may increase the toxicity of cardiac glycosides (because hypercalcemia leads to arrhythmias); Concomitant use of Supvid3 with Cholestyramine, Colestipol hydrochloride will reduce the absorption of vitamin D3 in the intestine; Taking Supvid3 with mineral oil in excess will interfere with the absorption of vitamin D3 in the intestines. To ensure safety and effectiveness when using Supvid3, users should inform their doctor about the drugs / supplements they are using and the diseases they have. At the same time, users should absolutely follow the doctor's instructions on dosage and how to use the drug.
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