Uses of Tenamydcefa 500

Tenamydcefa 500 is an antibiotic used in the treatment of parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals and antifungals. Patients should use Tenamydcefa 500 as prescribed and directed by their doctor.

1. What is Tenamydcefa 500?

Tenamydcefa 500 has the main ingredient Cephalexin (in the form of Cephalexin monohydrate): 500mg with other excipients such as: Microcrystalline cellulose; Magnesium stearate and Aerosil. The drug is manufactured by Tenamyd Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company with the registration number: VD-19446 -13.

2. Indications to use Tenamydcefa 500

Tenamydcefa 500 is used to treat mild infections caused by susceptible bacteria. Some indications of Tenamydcefa 500 include:
Respiratory tract infections: Infectious bronchiectasis and acute / chronic bronchitis; Ear, nose and throat infections: mastoiditis, otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis; Inflammation of the urinary tract: Cystitis or prostatitis; Prophylactic treatment of urinary tract infections that may recur; Skin, soft tissue and bone infections; Obstetric and gynecological infections; Gonorrhea (when penicillin is no longer suitable); Dental infections; Prophylactic alternative to penicillin for people with heart disease requiring dental treatment. Tenamydcefa 500 is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with a history of allergy to Cephalosporin antibiotics; patients with a history of dopenicillin anaphylaxis or other severe IgE immune globulin-mediated reactions.

3. Tenamydcefa 500 . User Manual

Tenamydcefa 500 is guided for use and prescribed by the treating doctor. Dosage reference is as follows:
Adults: Take 250-500mg/time, every 6 hours, depending on the degree of infection. The dose may be up to 4g/24 hours. Children: The usual dose is 25 to 60 mg/kg body weight over 24 hours, divided into 2 to 3 oral doses. In case of severe infection, the maximum dose is 100mg/kg body weight in 24 hours. The duration of treatment with antibiotic Tenamydcefa 500 should last at least 7-10 days. In complicated, recurrent and chronic urinary tract infections, it is recommended to treat for a period of 2 weeks (1g / time, 2 times a day).
Treatment of gonorrhea: Use a single dose of 3g with 1g of Probenecid for men and 0.5g of Probenecid for women.
Patients with renal failure need to adjust the dose as follows:
Độ thanh thải creatinin Creatinin huyết thanh Liều duy trì tối đa
Lớn hơn hoặc bằng 50ml/phút Nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng 132 micromol/l 1g/lần, 4 lần/ngày
49-20 ml/phút 133-295 micromol/l 1g/lần , 3 lần/ngày
19-10 ml/phút 296-470 micromol/l 500mg/lần, 3 lần/ngày
10 ml/phút Lớn hơn hoặc bằng 471 micromol/l 250mg/lần, 2 lần/ngày

4. Tenamydcefa drug interactions 500

Patients should inform their prescriber about all prescription, over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements they are taking. In general, Tenamydcefa 500 drug interactions can occur when:
Concomitant use of high doses of Cefalexin with strong diuretics or drugs of the Aminoglycoside class (eg, Furocemide, Piretanide and Ethacrynic Acid) may adversely affect function. kidney function. Aminoglycoside drugs or strong diuretics (Furocemide, Ethacrynic acid and Piretanid,...) in combination with high doses of Cefalexin can adversely affect kidney function. Oestrogens combined with Cefalexin: The effect of estrogen is reduced when Probenecid is combined with Cefalexin: May increase serum concentrations and increase the half-life of cefalexin. Therapeutic use of Cefalexin may cause a false-positive reaction in urine glucose testing with Benedict's solution, Fehling's solution or Clinitest tablets (for enzyme tests unaffected).

5. Undesirable effects when using Tenamydcefa 500

During the use of Tenamydcefa 500, patients may experience some side effects as follows:
Common: Diarrhea, nausea;
Blood: Eosinophilia; Skin: Rash, urticaria, itching; Liver: Hepatic transaminase elevations are reversible; Rare:
Systemic: Headache accompanied by dizziness, anaphylactic reaction or appearance of fatigue; Blood: Decrease in neutrophils and platelets; Gastrointestinal: Gastrointestinal disturbances and pseudomembranous colitis or abdominal pain; Skin: Stevens Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis and Quincke's edema; Liver: Hepatitis and cholestatic jaundice; Urogenital - Genitourinary: Genital itching, vaginitis and reversible nephritis; The side effects mentioned above may be incomplete because each patient has a different body. Therefore, the patient should inform the treating doctor or medical staff about the undesirable effects encountered when using Tenamydcefa 500.

6. Tenamydcefa 500 overdose and treatment instructions

Symptoms of Tenamydcefa 500 overdose include: Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,...
Treatment instructions:
Except when mistakenly taking 5 to 10 times the usual dose, the remaining cases do not require treatment. gastric lavage. Respiratory protection, ventilation and perfusion. Give the patient activated charcoal several times in place of or in addition to gastric lavage.

7. Precautions when using Tenamydcefa 500

When using Tenamydcefa 500, patients should note the following precautions:
Long-term treatment with Cephalexin may cause overgrowth of non-susceptible bacteria (eg Candida, Enterococcus, Clostridium difficile). ). In this case, the drug should be discontinued. In case of renal impairment, the dose of cefalexin should be reduced appropriately. Pregnant women need to be careful with the first months of pregnancy (Cefalexin should only be used when absolutely necessary) Lactation: Breast-feeding should be discontinued while taking Cephalexin. Above is important information about the use of Tenamydcefa 500. Before using Tenamydcefa 500 in the treatment of patients, they should understand how to use and dosage. If you have any further questions, you can contact your prescribing doctor for the most detailed advice.

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