Uses of the drug Dacses

Dacses is a drug belonging to a group of drugs used in the treatment of bone and joint diseases including degenerative joint diseases and osteoarthritis. To ensure the effective use of Dacses, users need to follow the instructions of their doctors, and refer to more information about the uses of Dacses in the following article.

1. What are the uses of Dacses?

1.1. What is Dacses? Dacses belongs to the group of anti-degenerative drugs. Dacses medicine includes the following ingredients:
Main active ingredients: Diacerein 50mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate, Povidone K30, Croscarmellose sodium, Colloidal Silicon dioxide (aerosil), Magnesium stearate. The drug is prepared in the form of 50mg capsules, blisters of 10 tablets, boxes of 10 blisters.
Dacses is recommended for use by children 16 years of age and older and adults.
1.2. What are the uses of Dacses? Diacerein is a new drug that has been shown to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects in arthritis, well tolerated in the stomach.
This is also the only drug among existing osteoarthritis drugs that can affect the anabolic and catabolic processes of chondrocytes and reduce proinflammatory factors present in the synovial membrane. fluid or both in the deep and superficial layers of cartilage.
Patients who are allergic to the main active ingredient Diacerein or any of the excipients of the drug Dacses 50mg Patients > 65 years old. Children < 15 years old. Pregnant or lactating women. The patient has a history of or is suffering from liver disease.

2. Usage of Dacses

2.1. How to take Dacses Drug Dacses 50mg used orally. Swallow the tablet whole with a sufficient amount of water, do not chew, break or crush the tablet. Because food increases the bioavailability of Dacses, the specific time to take the drug is as follows: If used once a day: take in the evening meal. If used twice a day: drink in the morning and evening. Take medication as recommended or as directed by your doctor. 2.2. Dosage of the drug Dacses Recommended dosage:
The usual dose for Dacses is 1 tablet / time x 2 times / day at two main meals for an indicated time. However, because during the first 2 weeks of treatment, the active ingredient Diacerein can rapidly increase the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines, it is possible to start treatment with 1 tablet per day taken with the evening meal for 2 weeks continuously. Once the patient has become accustomed to taking this drug, the dose should be increased to 2 Dacses capsules a day. (Dose will be determined by your treating physician) However, because Dacses 50mg has a slow onset of effect and beneficial effects are observed 2 to 4 weeks after treatment, it is advisable that patients do not Treatment should be discontinued before a clear effect of the drug is observed. The active ingredient Diacerein is not harmful to the stomach, so it can be safely prescribed in combination with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) during the first 2 to 4 weeks of treatment to increase pain relief. Handling missed dose:
Take the dose as soon as you remember. But if the missed dose is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled. Do not take a double dose. Treatment of overdose:
Taking high doses of Diacerein intentionally or by mistake can cause diarrhea. The main thing to do is to treat the symptoms. If diarrhea persists, notify your doctor for prompt treatment. Emergency treatment includes restoring water-electrolyte balance if necessary.

3. Notes when using Dacses

Renal impairment alters the pharmacokinetics of diacerein, therefore dose reduction is required in these cases (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min). Dacses should not be used concurrently with laxatives Dacses increases intestinal motility by increasing the severity of diarrhea. Medicinal preparations containing Magnesium and Aluminum hydroxide reduce the bioavailability of Dacses 50mg. Do not take these two drugs together at the same time. If necessary, these substances can be used at another time (more than 2 hours) after taking Dacses Do not share Dacses with drugs that affect the intestinal microflora or antibiotics: due to increased intestinal problems. There are currently insufficient clinical data on the safety of Dacses 50mg when used in pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully weigh the benefits and harms with the use of this drug. For nursing mothers: Active ingredient Diacerein can be excreted in breast milk. The drug should not be used by women while breastfeeding.

4. Side effects of the drug Dacses

Most common
Diarrhea, which usually goes away after the patient gets used to the medication. If symptoms worsen, which can lead to dehydration and hypokalemia, talk to your doctor about alternative treatments. Rare:
Epigastric pain . True nausea or vomiting. Urine is dark yellow. Hepatobiliary problems: Acute liver damage, including hepatitis, with elevated serum liver enzymes, usually occurs in the first 4 months after taking the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor abnormal signs to have reasonable treatment measures. Treatment:
If there are abnormal manifestations during the time of taking the drug, it is necessary to stop using the drug. With mild adverse reactions, symptoms usually resolve with discontinuation alone.
In case of severe hypersensitivity or allergic reactions, it is necessary to conduct supportive treatment (keep the airway open and use epinephrine, oxygen, use corticosteroids, antihistamines,...).

5. How to store Dacses

The shelf life of Dacses is 36 months from the date of manufacture. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, in the original packaging of the medicine. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Above is important information about Dacses drug, users should carefully read the instructions before using and consult a doctor for appropriate indications.

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