Uses of the drug Kosena

Kosena is an over-the-counter drug commonly prescribed in the treatment of neurasthenia, people with excessive physical and mental activity, anorexia, fatigue and in the convalescence period after disease treatment. To use the drug safely and effectively, you need to carefully consult a number of drug-related factors before using it.

1. What is Kosena?

Kosena is a medicine that contains ingredients such as Korean ginseng extract, Ganoderma extract, deer antler extract, vitamin E, vitamin B2. In particular, Korean ginseng contains the highest content, known for many useful uses for health. Specifically, Kosena has the effect of enhancing physical and mental performance for those suffering from depression, exhaustion, fatigue, helping users to focus more, repel stress, and enhance immunity. resistance.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Kosena

2.1. Indications of the drug Kosena With the above effects, Kosena is indicated for use in the following cases:
The patient has physical weakness or is in the convalescence period to recover soon. Fatigue, exhaustion, reduced ability to concentrate. People with stress and low resistance. 2.2. Contraindications to the drug Kosena Do not use Kosena in patients with hypersensitivity to this drug or any of its ingredients, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

3. How to use and dose of Kosena

Take the drug with a dose of 2 tablets / day in the morning or take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet at lunch. You should take the medicine after eating and use water when taking the medicine.

4. Side effects of the drug Kosena

Currently, there are no reports of serious side effects when using Kosena. However, some cases may experience side effects such as skin rash, insomnia, diarrhea, nervous tension, increased blood pressure, edema. Therefore, you still need to pay attention to your body's reaction when taking the drug. If you notice any of the above problems, you need to stop using the medicine immediately and consult your doctor before taking it again.

5. What to do if you miss a dose and take an overdose of Kosena?

In case you miss a dose, try to take it as soon as possible (usually you can take it 1-2 hours after the time ordered by your doctor). However, in case it is almost time for your next missed dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as usual, do not double the prescribed dose.
In case of drug overdose, the patient may experience some symptoms such as insomnia, muscle tension, swelling or body edema. At this time, you need to go to medical facilities to be supported by medical staff.

6. Some notes when using Kosena

Keep Kosena out of reach of children and pets. Carefully read the instructions for use of the drug Kosena printed on the product packaging before use. If you need more information, you should consult your doctor. If you have a history of allergy to ginseng, you need to inform your doctor about any unwanted effects you experience when using the drug. Before using the drug, the patient should check the expiry date indicated on the product packaging, especially in the case that the medicine has been bought for a long time but has not been used before. Basically, Kosena is a drug that brings a lot of useful uses to the user. However, users need to strictly follow the instructions and instructions of the manufacturer. This will help bring effective treatment and ensure the safety of the patient's health.

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