Uses of Vingalan

Vingalan contains the active ingredient Galantamine, a drug used to treat dementia. Drug used in adults to treat symptoms of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

1. What is Vingalan?

The drug Vingalan contains Galantamine, which is prescribed for people with dementia related to Alzheimer's disease. Using medication will help improve symptoms that affect thinking, such as memory loss and confusion in patients.
Galantamine is not a cure-all but it may slow the progression of symptoms in some people. Vingalan works primarily by increasing levels of a natural chemical called acetylcholine. This is a chemical that allows nerve cells in the brain to communicate with each other when people with dementia have low levels. Symptoms of dementia can be improved by increasing Acetylcholine levels.

2. Contraindications to taking Vingalan

Do not use Vingalan in case:
The patient has liver or kidney problems. Heart disease. Have breathing limitations, such as bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Have trouble urinating or have severe constipation. Recently had any surgery on the stomach, intestines or bladder. Have ever had a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Have had a seizure. Are taking or using any other medicines, including over-the-counter medicines as well as herbal medicines and supplements. Have ever had an allergic reaction to a drug. Are pregnant or breastfeeding.

3. How to use Vingalan?

Before starting treatment with Vingalan, please read the manufacturer's leaflet from the inside of the package for more information about Galantamine and possible side effects. Because Vingalan is used for people with dementia, it is best for caregivers to help the patient take the medication exactly as the doctor has told it to. Usually, Vingalan will be started at a low dose, then gradually increased. This allows the doctor to ensure that the right dose is found for the patient's condition, while avoiding unwanted symptoms. When taking, the Vingalan tablet should be swallowed whole without chewing or opening it. This is because these are modified-release capsules, which means they release the drug slowly throughout the day. Ideally, Vingalan should be taken with or immediately after breakfast or dinner. Taking Galantamine with food helps prevent unwanted side effects. If you forget to take a dose at the usual time, skip the missed dose but make sure the patient remembers to take the next dose when it is time. During treatment with Vingalan, patients need to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. In addition, the doctor will also want to check the patient's progress every few weeks to ensure that the dosage of the drug is appropriate and effective in controlling the disease. Therefore, try to keep your doctor's appointments regularly. If you are having surgery or dental treatment, declare that you are taking Vingalan . This is because Galantamine can affect the amount of anesthetic that may need to be adjusted. If buying any medicines, always check with your pharmacist if they are safe to take with Vingalan. Because there are some medications that can interfere with the optimal action of galantamine.

4. The side effects of the drug Vingalan

Common side effects of Vingalan are:
Feeling nauseous or vomiting, indigestion and stomach pain; Diarrhea ; Feeling dizzy, tired, or shaky; Headache; Loss of appetite, weight loss, heavy sweating, mood swings, feeling weak or unwell, changes in blood pressure and heart rate. In summary, the drug Vingalan contains the active ingredient Galantamine for the treatment of dementia in Alzheimer's disease. In addition to the effectiveness of helping patients improve behavior and memory, the drug can also cause unwanted side effects. Therefore, caregivers need to strictly follow the rules of how to use drugs to effectively control the disease to achieve optimal.

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