Uses of Viponate

What is Viponat drug? Viponat is a brand-name drug of Vitamin E (DL Alpha Tocopherol Acetate) with a content of 400 IU, commonly used as an antioxidant in the treatment of vitamin E deficiency cases. Learn the necessary information of Viponat drugs. will help improve patient outcomes.

1. Uses of Viponat

Viponat medicine is indicated for the treatment of the following cases:
Prevention and treatment of diseases related to vitamin E deficiency such as abnormal gait, decreased reflexes, decreased sensitivity to vibration, decreased sensory perception self, retinitis pigmentosa, ophthalmoplegia, axonal degeneration. Anti-wrinkle, anti-aging. Support the treatment of high serum cholesterol or fatty liver. Support the treatment of male or female infertility, miscarriage, menstrual disorders, cardiovascular disorders... Contraindications of Viponat drug in the following cases:
Allergic hypersensitivity to any ingredient of Viponat drug . History of hypersensitivity to other drugs containing Vitamin E (DL Alpha Tocopherol Acetate).

2. Dosage of Viponat

The usual dose of the drug is 1 tablet (400 UI) / time x 1 time / day. Patients can take Viponat with meals.

3. Side effects encountered when using Viponat

The use of Viponat drug has a high level of safety and usually does not occur side effects. However, taking Viponat in high doses or for a long time, may cause unwanted effects such as:
Common: Neurological symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, headache, decreased vision, confusion such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Rare: Thrombophlebitis, rash, dermatitis, anaphylaxis. Stop using Viponat as soon as you detect the above side effects or other unusual symptoms, and promptly notify the treating doctor about the use of Viponat or immediately go to the nearest medical facility for treatment. timely.

4. Note the use of Viponat in the following subjects

Avoid using Viponat in people with Vitamin K deficiency or taking anticoagulants because it may increase the risk of bleeding. Administration of Viponat in preterm neonates weighing less than 1500 g may increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis. Pregnancy: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies Viponat as a class A drug with no risk to pregnancy. During pregnancy, the mother can supplement the amount of Vitamin E through food, the use of Viponat medicine to meet the daily needs is often indicated in women who eat poorly. Vitamin E contained in Viponat can pass through breast milk and the concentration in breast milk can be 5 times higher than cow's milk. Just add Viponat to the mother when the daily menu does not provide enough Vitamin E. Drivers or machine operators do not experience side effects after using Viponat.

5. Viponate drug interactions

Viponat increases the effectiveness of anticoagulants and reduces the effect of drugs containing Vitamin K, which can cause bleeding when used in combination. The combination of Viponat and Salicylic Acid may increase the risk of bleeding. Often used in combination with Viponat with drugs containing Vitamin A and Vitamin C, because the active vitamin E in Viponat can protect Vitamin A and Vitamin C from oxidative degradation, thereby increasing absorption, storage and utilization. use. The use of Viponat with iron preparations should be limited, as high doses of Vitamin E may reduce the response to iron in children with iron-induced anemia. Orlistat, Colestyramine, Colestipol need to be taken at least 2 hours before using Viponat because it can inhibit the absorption of active vitamin E in Viponat. Above is basic information about the composition, uses, contraindications, dosage and possible side effects of Viponat medicine. In order to improve the effectiveness of treatment, users should carefully read the instructions for use of Viponat and follow the instructions of the treating doctor.

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