What is Izotren?

Izotren topical has the main ingredient is isotretinoin 5mg or 10mg. Izotren is a topical medication used to treat mild to moderate acne, both inflammatory and non-inflammatory. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to take the drug according to the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.

1. What is Izotren?

Izotren belongs to the group of acne medications, the main ingredient is isotretinoin. Isotretinoin has the effect of reducing sebum, inhibiting the formation of acne nuclei, at the same time inhibiting the keratinization of sebaceous hair follicles, inhibiting Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, helping to reduce inflammation.
Izotren is formulated as a topical drug and has 2 types of Izotren 5mg and 10mg. Izotren topical is used to treat mild to moderate acne and is very effective for inflammatory or non-inflammatory acne. Topical Izotren in cream form is suitable for patients with sensitive or dry skin.

2. Dosage and how to use Izotren

How to use Izotren topical medicine as follows: Wash with water, then use a clean towel to dry the acne-affected skin before applying the medicine. Put an appropriate amount of cream on the fingertip or tampon stick and apply in a thin layer to the acne-affected skin. The dose of Izotren is applied 1 to 2 times a day and applied for 6 to 8 weeks. Depending on the severity of the disease, the dermatologist will examine and prescribe the appropriate dose.

3. Side effects of Izotren

Izotren topical may cause some unwanted side effects such as mild burning, mild skin irritation, stinging sensation, skin redness and scaling. However, patients should not be too worried, these symptoms only occur in moderation and will disappear when continuing to apply the drug.
If you feel worried about unwanted side effects after applying Izotren, the patient should contact a dermatologist for advice on appropriate treatment.

4. Some notes when using Izotren

Do not use Izotren with people who are hypersensitive to the ingredients of the drug, pregnant and lactating women. Only use Izotren topically on the skin, avoid getting it in the eyes or mouth, or on damaged skin, eczema or eczema. Sensitive areas such as the neck should be used with caution when applying Izotren because it can increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun. Therefore, it is necessary to cover this skin area carefully when going out. During the application of Izotren , should avoid or limit going out in the sun or exposure to ultraviolet light. Use sunscreen or sun-protective clothing to cover the area being treated. If you are using it with other topical cosmetic chemicals, caution should be exercised when applying Izotren, as synergistic irritation may occur. During the application of Izotren, if there is excessive or prolonged irritation, the patient should stop the drug and contact a dermatologist for further advice. Izotren is a mild to moderate acne medication that effectively treats acne-prone skin with or without inflammation. For sensitive or dry skin, you should use Izotren topical cream.
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