What is Topalpha?

Used mainly in the treatment of edema after trauma, Topalpha is recommended to be used when examined and prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication can cause many serious health effects. What precautions should be taken when using Topalpha?

1. What is Topalpha?

Topalpha ingredient Alphachymotrypsin (equivalent to 4.2 mg) 4200 USP units as a tablet. The drug is also in the category of analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the drug is indicated for use in the treatment of edema after trauma or surgery (such as: soft tissue damage, acute trauma, sprains, cramps and sports injuries). The drug when entering the body helps to loosen secretions in the upper respiratory tract in patients with asthma, bronchitis, lung diseases and sinusitis.
The use of drugs in any subject requires the appointment of a specialist doctor.

2. Dosage and how to use Topalpha

Knowing the information, dosage, and how to use it always helps the treatment process to be more effective. Patients can refer to the dosage information below:
2.1 Topalpha Dosage Anti-inflammatory, to treat edema after trauma or surgery and to help loosen secretions in the upper respiratory tract. Alphachymotrypsin can be taken orally: Take 2 tablets x 3-4 times per day.
2.2 Overdose, missed dose, what to do? Overdose The use of an overdose of a drug causes certain dangers. Therefore, extreme care should be taken not to take more than the prescribed dose. In case of overdose, it is necessary to monitor the body, if abnormal signs appear, contact a doctor for advice and timely resolution.
Missed dose of Topalpha Usually the medicine can be taken in about 1-2 hours than prescribed in the prescription. Unless there is a strict rule about the time of use, the medicine can be taken a few hours after forgetting. However, if the time is too far from the time you need to drink, you should not take it, which can be dangerous for the body. It is necessary to strictly adhere to or consult a doctor before making a decision.
Topalpha is contraindicated in the following cases
The drug is contraindicated in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), especially emphysema, and patients with nephrotic syndrome are the target groups at risk of decreased alpha-1antitrypsin.
People who are allergic to any substance in the composition of the drug should not use the drug. Other cases are specified in the drug leaflet or doctor's prescription. Contraindications to Topalpha must be understood as absolute contraindications, ie not for any reason that contraindications can be used flexibly.

3. Possible side effects when taking Topalpha

Only a small number of patients experience adverse drug reactions. Most of the side effects are not too serious, but patients should not be subjective to avoid affecting health.
The patient may change the solidity, smell of the stool but this will quickly end after stopping the drug. In some special cases, digestive disorders such as flatulence, heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation or nausea may occur. With high doses, mild allergic reactions such as redness of the skin may occur. As with many other drugs, during pregnancy and lactation, women are not recommended to take the drug, unless directed by a qualified doctor.
Patients do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose because this will affect the whole treatment process.
Medicines should be stored in a cool place, away from light or sunlight. Because this can affect the structure of the drug.
The above is all important information about Topalpha, but it is not a substitute for the advice of your doctor or pharmacist. Therefore, the most effective is still the patient should visit the doctor and take the prescribed medication. If you have any further questions, you can ask your doctor for timely advice.

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