Alternative treatments for AFib

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a chronic cardiovascular disease that requires patients to take long-term medication. In addition, patients with atrial fibrillation may seek alternative treatments for AFib. So what are the treatments for AFib?

1. Yoga

The combination of gentle exercise, breathing control and meditation improves the happiness index of the practitioner. With the practice of 1 hour / day, 3 times / week, yoga can control blood pressure, reduce heart rate and the number of times of atrial fibrillation (AFib) after a period of 3 months. Practicing yoga may even work to reduce inflammation, a factor that can lead to AFib.

2. Acupuncture

This alternative treatment for AFib has been practiced all over the world for centuries. Acupuncture is unlikely to pose any risks. Some limited research shows that acupuncture to a point on the inside of the wrist can help treat AFib. However, to be on the safe side, acupuncture should only be performed by a trained and certified professional. And some new styles of acupuncture will use pressure instead of traditional needles.

3. Wenxin Keli

Wenxin Keli herb extract is widely used in China as an alternative treatment for infrequent AFib or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Studies show promising results. Chinese researchers have reported a number of side effects and they were mostly insignificant. However, more reliable research is still needed to make sure it's completely safe. Patients with AFib should speak with their treating physician before using this or any other supplement.
Wenxin Keli được ứng dụng trong điều trị thay thế cho AFib
Wenxin Keli được ứng dụng trong điều trị thay thế cho AFib

4. Fatty fish

Salmon, mackerel and some tuna species have both vitamin D and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin D deficiency is strongly linked to cardiovascular problems, and one study found a link between low levels of Vitamin D and AFib (not related to heart valve abnormalities). A heart-friendly diet like the Mediterranean diet (mainly foods low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans fat) like fish, chicken, and other lean meats can reduces the risk of AFib complications such as stroke.

5. Vagal Maneuvers

These are moves that are both simple and can quickly slow down your heart rate when they're too fast (more than 100 beats per minute). Vagal maneuvers act on the vagus nerve of the body's autonomic nervous system. Types of vagal maneuvers that patients can try as an alternative to AFib include:
Close your nose and mouth and try to exhale to increase intrathoracic pressure. This technique is called the “Valsalva” technique and can be highly effective; Strong cough; Stimulating vomiting with fingers or tongue depressors; Squat.

6. Coenzyme Q10

Patients with AFib with combined heart failure who took a coenzyme Q10 supplement in one study experienced a 25% reduction in atrial fibrillation episodes over a 12-month period. But CoQ10 may make the anticoagulant warfarin less effective. A class of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins can also lower CoQ10 levels. Therefore, AFib patients should consult their doctor before starting CoQ10.

7. Gluten-free foods

Researchers in Sweden found that some people with gluten intolerance have a higher risk of AFib. However, the opposite is not necessarily true: With AFib, patients are not as likely to have problems with gluten. During AFib treatment, patients can continue to enjoy whole-grain breads and pastas (in the right amounts, of course) because their fiber content is good for heart health.

8. Maintain ideal weight

Being overweight can affect AFib in several ways. Therefore, patients need to try to lose weight through exercise and proper diet. Note that over-the-counter weight loss drugs should not be taken as their ingredients may include ephedra, an herb that contains ephedrine and can lead to an irregular heartbeat.
Duy trì cân nặng lý tưởng góp phần trong điều trị AFib ở người bệnh
Duy trì cân nặng lý tưởng góp phần trong điều trị AFib ở người bệnh

9. Build a happy life

People with AFib are able to develop and follow through with a plan of enjoyable activities, even if it is not a hobby. A healthy lifestyle, eating right, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep will also help improve mood and manage stress. From there, the likelihood of triggering an episode of atrial fibrillation is greatly reduced.

10. Don't Use Marijuana

Cannabis is gradually being legalized in many places and it seems to be a way to relax for some people. Although not well studied, research in Israel shows that the active ingredient in cannabis can cause atrial fibrillation if you have a history of heart rhythm problems.

11. Biofeedback

This method helps you learn how your body responds to stress. Electrodes attached to the skin help us perceive what is happening when we are performing a relaxing exercise, like meditation or hypnosis. Biofeedback has not yet been widely used in the treatment of AFib , but one small study showed it could control irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias in patients with AFib .

12. Chat with others

Patients with atrial fibrillation can confide in their family members about their concerns. Besides, AFib patients can learn more about this disease through websites, groups and talk with specialists. A good support system and a sense of control over the illness will help people with AFib reduce anxiety and depression.

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Reference source: webmd
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