9 months after giving birth, dizziness, low blood pressure, a little pain in the right chest is a sign of what disease?

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Hello doctor. The doctor asked me, I gave birth to a baby nearly 9 months old, I was breastfeeding, I was sitting at work, suddenly I got dizzy and my blood pressure dropped, when I sat at work, I felt a little pain in the right chest. The doctor asked me, "After 9 months of birth, dizziness, low blood pressure, slight pain in the right chest are signs of what disease?" What's wrong with me? Looking for a doctor to help you?
Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy (1990)
Hello. Dizziness is a feeling of being off balance, making you feel like you're spinning around or the world around you is spinning so you can't keep your balance and fall. The pathogenesis of vertigo is complex and treatment is based on many different causes.
Some of the most common causes of dizziness include:
Benign postural vertigo. Benign postural vertigo occurs when small calcium particles (canal canals) contract in the canals of the inner ear. BPPV can also occur for no apparent reason and may be age-related. Meniere's disease (hearing disorder). This is a disorder that occurs in the inner ear, which is thought to be caused by fluid buildup and changes in pressure in the ear. Meniere's disease can cause episodes of vertigo along with ringing in the ears and hearing loss. Vestibular Neuritis / Ear labyrinthitis. This is also a problem that occurs in the inner ear and is often associated with an infection (mostly a virus). The infection causes inflammation in the inner ear around the nerve that plays a very important role in helping the body achieve a sense of balance. Other causes. A person suddenly experiences dizziness or lightheadedness from time to time which can be caused by a head or neck injury, brain problems such as a stroke or tumor, certain medications that damage the ear, and disease. migraine.
Dizziness can be effectively treated depending on the cause, but the problem is that this symptom can recur. In most cases, dizziness is not serious and usually goes away if the cause is cured. However, if dizziness affects your daily life, you should see a doctor at a hospital that specializes in Otolaryngology, Neurology, etc. to be prescribed appropriate treatment.
You can also go directly to a hospital under Vinmec Health System to be examined by qualified doctors. Hope to see you soon and talk more.
Thank you for the question "After 9 months of birth, dizziness, low blood pressure, a little pain in the right chest, what are the signs of disease?" sent to Vinmec. Wishing you good health always.
Answered by Master, Doctor Cao Thanh Tam - Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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