Children with ventricular septal defect should be treated with drugs or surgery?

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Hello doctor,
My family has a child with heart valve regurgitation. According to the results of the doctor's examination in the countryside, the baby had a 7.4mm membranous ventricular septal defect, partially sealed, pg max: 87mmhg. So the doctor asked me if the child with ventricular septal defect should be treated with drugs or surgery? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. I thank the doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Tran Hong Nhat - Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiology Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

With the question “Should children with ventricular septal defect be treated with drugs or surgery? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
The child has a large membrane ventricular septal defect despite being partially blocked. Therapeutic intervention is necessary because drugs do not help reduce the size of the stoma
Currently there are two possible treatment methods for children: perforation or open heart surgery:
Closure of the stoma ventricular septal defect by open heart surgery: is a method of patching the hole through the chest opening, through which the surgeon will use a patch to patch the hole in the heart wall. With the improvement of surgical technique, the breast fat line is getting smaller and smaller, the surgery time as well as the postoperative treatment time has also been gradually shortened. Percutaneous ventricular septal closure (catheter): is a method of treatment with superior advantages over surgery. This method helps patients do not have to undergo an open surgery, leave no large scars, recover quickly, reduce costs and hospital stay. However, this method is only applicable to some patients with appropriate lesion characteristics. Children need to be examined at congenital heart centers for accurate assessment and appropriate treatment options. Vinmec Medical for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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