Is dizziness with syncope in people with high blood pressure dangerous?

Chóng mặt, ngất xỉu khi giật mình phải làm gì?

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Hello doctor,
My mother has been dizzy lately. After a while, fainted. I went to the doctor and they said I had high blood pressure. After returning home for a few days, the face and hands and feet were swollen. I have to urinate a lot, but my head is still dizzy and I have fainting. Doctor let me ask if dizziness and fainting in people with high blood pressure are dangerous? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Pham Van Hung - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
With the question “Is dizziness with syncope in people with high blood pressure dangerous? ", the doctor replied as follows:
Based on your information, preliminary assessment of your mother has hypertension with the following symptoms: Dizziness, fainting, swelling of the face and hands and feet. High blood pressure is a cardiovascular risk factor that can cause complications such as: Brain stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure, kidney failure... You should take your mother to the Medical Center for an internist. Cardiology examines and performs necessary tests (blood tests, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, carotid ultrasound...) to confirm the diagnosis and advise appropriate treatment.
If you still have questions about dizziness and fainting in people with high blood pressure, you can go to a medical facility of Vinmec Health System for early examination and treatment. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wish you a lot of health.
Best regards!

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