Deep vein thrombosis

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The article was written by MSc Nguyen Xuan Thanh - Cardiologist, Cardiology Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Deep vein thrombosis is a medical condition where blood clots form in the deep veins of the body, most often in the deep veins of the lower extremities, but sometimes in other parts of the body as well.

1. Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Main symptoms: usually only in one leg
Swelling of the legs: when the blood clot spreads high - swelling of the thighs, groin. The affected leg is significantly larger than the contralateral leg. Leg pain and stiffness. The skin on the swollen leg may be pink or red, warmer than the healthy leg.

2. Causes and risk factors

Risk factors for deep vein thrombosis include: sitting for a long time (eg, flying for more than 4 hours, traveling by bus,...), lying down for a long time after major surgery, and lying down for a long time due to a stroke. Patients must be treated in the intensive care unit, pregnant women, postpartum women within 6 months, patients are using estrogen hormone drugs or birth control pills.
Mang thai nhưng không tăng cân, tăng cân ít: Nguyên nhân là gì?
Mang thai là một trong những yếu tố nguy cơ làm tăng khả năng mắc huyết khối tĩnh mạch sâu

3. Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis

When the patient is admitted to the hospital, the medical staff will evaluate the scale of the risk of thrombosis, the risk of bleeding, and the doctor will prescribe tests such as D-dimer, venous ultrasound ... for diagnosis. determined.

4. Complications of deep vein thrombosis

Patients with symptoms of deep vein thrombosis must go to the hospital immediately because if they miss it, they can face dangerous complications. The most frightening thing is that a blood clot from the deep vein of the lower extremities breaks off and flows with the blood to the right heart to the lungs, causing acute pulmonary embolism. This is the most serious complication that can cause death.

5. Treatment of deep vein thrombosis

Patients with deep vein thrombosis must be treated in the hospital and closely monitored. Treatment measures include:
Anticoagulation: after a diagnosis is confirmed and the risk of bleeding is assessed, an anticoagulant will be prescribed to prevent the clot from spreading. Compression bandages or compression socks. Lie on high legs. Periodic ultrasound should be performed to monitor the progression of thrombosis.

6. Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis

Trẻ mắc tay chân miệng độ 2 thường được điều trị bằng thuốc
Để tránh tái phát, bạn nên uống thuốc theo đơn bác sĩ kê để dự phòng và điều trị huyết khối
If you have a history of deep vein thrombosis, to avoid recurrence, you should take the following measures:
Take medicine as prescribed by your doctor to prevent and treat thrombosis Periodic follow-up by a specialist Avoid sitting for a long time, especially when traveling by plane or car, and need to move up and down at least every 2 hours. When sitting, it is also necessary to exercise the muscle groups in the legs by stretching the feet and flexing the toes several times per hour Wear pressure socks to increase deep vein circulation Drink enough water, avoid dehydration, avoid coffee and alcohol After surgery, it is necessary to mobilize early according to the doctor's instructions, ... Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, medical system modern technological equipment system, but also outstanding with comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.

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