When to wear medical stockings for varicose veins?

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The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Nguyen Minh Son - Interventional Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Varicose veins are dilated peripheral veins, floating on the surface of the skin, the valve system has a problem creating great pressure. There are many ways to treat this condition and the use of medical stockings is one of them.

1. What is varicose veins?

Varicose vein disease is a phenomenon in which the peripheral venous system is dilated, floating on the skin surface due to the weakened valve system. This has caused the blood circulation to the heart to be disturbed and flow in the opposite direction. again. This pressure exerts on the veins causing the leg veins to rise. Varicose veins occur when the leg veins are weakened or the one-way valve system of the veins is damaged.

2. When to wear vasodilating medical stockings?

2.1. The concept of medical compression stocking Medical compression stocking is a type of compression stocking, which is different from regular stockings. The pressure created must ensure that the correct pressure gradient is created to have an effective treatment effect. This is also the determining factor of the quality of a medical stocking. The pressure gradually decreases from the base of the leg (100%) to the thigh (40%). If the pressure drops unevenly, or the pressure at the top is higher than at the bottom, more blood stagnation will occur. If you wear low-quality socks, you will feel pain in your feet, but the swelling of your feet does not go away, you must review the quality of that type of socks.
2.2. Uses of medical stockings Uses of medical socks are used to treat and prevent varicose veins. This disease manifests in many different forms depending on the severity or mildness. Some symptoms such as leg pain, ankle swelling in the afternoon, heavy legs in the afternoon, cramps at night make you wake up startled. More serious conditions that you may experience are varicose veins under the skin, more severe leg edema, easy bruising on the legs when lightly touched, spider veins (small blood vessels that are tiny red and blue, if pressed, they disappear). or earlier in the day,... In the most severe form, varicose veins zigzag and roll into lumps under the skin, darkening of the skin from the feet up, eczema or non-concave leg edema (hard edema), .. Therefore, use medical stockings against varicose veins so as not to aggravate the disease.
Vớ y khoa suy giãn tĩnh mạch
Vớ y khoa suy giãn tĩnh mạch là một loại vớ tạo ra áp lực, nó khác với các loại vớ thông thường
2.3 When to wear varicose veins medical stockings? At each different stage, there will be different corresponding treatment pressure such as: CCL1, CCL2, CCL3. If you want to prevent it, use medical socks that do not have the CCL symbol, because the pressure it creates is lower than the pressure of the socks used for treatment. Therefore, right from the early stages of varicose veins, there is an indication to wear medical stockings.
Some other cases where you need to wear medical stockings are:
Using medical stockings for varicose veins when walking, working, standing and sitting. However, when lying down or sleeping at night, you do not need to wear medical stockings, because it has no effect and the pressure when lying is higher than when standing, so it can be uncomfortable for you. During exercise, if you feel pain in your calf when you walk a lot, you need to wear socks while exercising, if you don't feel pain, you may not need to wear socks. To increase the blood pumping efficiency of medical stockings, you should move in place with simple exercises while working. With each exercise like this, it will help pump blood up and reduce blood stagnation in the legs. Therefore, the more often you exercise, the more active your calves are and the lower the risk of blood stagnation at the end of the working day. In case you work in a sedentary environment, you have to stand or sit all day, you can wear prevention stockings for varicose veins (without the CCL symbol).

3. Price of medical stockings for varicose veins

The market for varicose veins medical socks in Vietnam is now very diverse, mainly imported from countries with a tradition of producing medical socks in the world. Some types of socks are available on the Vietnamese market such as: Jiami, Jobst, Mediven, Duomed, Novamed,...
Jiami medical socks are made in Taiwan but are manufactured by Italian technology, so on the market today now known as jami Italian socks. These socks are exported to the European market and are quite popular in the UK, so the quality is quite assured. If you need to choose an affordable line of medical socks that match the quality, then Jiami socks are always the first choice.
The 2nd most popular line of medical socks is Duomed. This line of socks is manufactured according to German technology, the quality is highly appreciated. However, in terms of price, this is the most expensive line in the line of medical socks to treat varicose veins. The packaging is considered to be the most beautiful of the brands, with a very elegant pink tone and a very nice color of the socks. Many people have used this product and the feedback is that it is very comfortable and durable.
In the high-end segment, there is a line of US medical socks, which are JOBST socks. This type of socks is also rated quite well by doctors for the quality of use. Particularly the Mediven line of medical socks, this is a very high-end product line and is rarely used. However, this is the priority of women, because it tends to bring a fashion element with the function of treating varicose veins
The price of varicose veins medical socks is as follows:
Loại vớ y khoa Giá tất ngắn (VND) Giá tất dài (VND)
DUOMED 650.000 990.000
JIAMI 245.000-400.000 345.000-500.000
JOBST 600.000-700.000 980.000
NOVAMED 300.000-400.000 450.000-500.000
MEDIVAN 750.000-1.000.000 (tùy dòng sp) 1.300.000-1.700.000 (tùy dòng sp)
vớ y khoa suy giãn tĩnh mạch
Thị trường vớ y khoa suy giãn tĩnh mạch ở Việt Nam hiện nay rất đa dạng
Above is the information about medical socks that Vinmec has collected. Hope the above information is useful to everyone. All information is for reference only, to know the condition and treatment method you should see a specialist doctor for specific advice.

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