Can fatty liver grade 2 be completely cured?

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Fatty liver is a disease that is no longer strange to us, especially in today's society. This is known as a dangerous disease especially for obese people. The following article will introduce readers to grade 2 fatty liver disease and its treatment.

1. Fatty liver disease is like? In our body, every organ contains a certain amount of fat called a safe threshold, and so does the liver. In the liver of a normal person, fat makes up about 3-5% of the liver weight. This ratio allows the liver to function normally. When the amount of fat in the liver is too much stagnation, it will lead to fatty liver and cause many clinical diseases.
Clinically, fatty liver is divided into 3 levels:
Grade 1: this is the early stage, the disease is still mild. Common mild signs such as fatigue, loss of appetite, sometimes unexplained abdominal pain. These symptoms appear when being overworked, working for a long time, etc. Because there are no obvious symptoms, the disease is mainly detected through periodic health checks. Detecting the disease at this stage will help to treat quickly, effectively and reduce complications. Grade 2: fatty liver stage 2, the amount of fat accounts for 10-20% of the total liver mass. Patients present with symptoms such as fatigue with prolonged loss of appetite, abdominal pain or pain when pressing on the liver area. When these signs appear, it is necessary to see a doctor for early diagnosis and treatment. Grade 3: advanced disease. Patients have symptoms such as prolonged fatigue, loss of appetite, jaundice, yellow eyes, frequent right lower quadrant pain,... Fatty liver, if not treated promptly, can easily lead to complications such as liver failure. liver cirrhosis, even liver cancer.
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2. Fatty liver cause? Fatty liver has many causes, but the most common is alcohol. However, not everyone with a fatty liver drinks alcohol. It may be due to improper eating, which increases body fat and penetrates the liver. Some common causes such as: obesity, high blood fat, diabetes, genetics, weight loss too fast,... Also some drugs like Aspirin, Steroids,...
3. Liver Is grade 2 obesity dangerous? Is fatty liver grade 2 dangerous? Grade 2 fatty liver is a dangerous disease that, if not treated promptly, will lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to detect early to have treatment and timely impact to reduce other accompanying diseases.
Grade 2 fatty liver is a transitional stage between severe and mild. At this stage, the disease still has the ability to recover, but not as high as level 1. The degree of recovery also depends on the time when the disease is detected, whether it is early or late in the stage. If it is near stage 3, the recovery rate will be lower. Fatty liver grade 2 is not life-threatening. However, it is easy to progress to stage 3 and leave serious complications if not treated promptly.

4. Diagnosis of grade 2 fatty liver 4.1. Blood tests Blood tests can detect elevated liver enzymes, which is also a criterion for diagnosing hepatitis. However, to detect grade 2 fatty liver, blood test is not enough. Blood tests need to be combined with some other tests for accurate results.
4.2. Ultrasound and liver biopsy Ultrasound and liver biopsy are commonly used methods to diagnose grade 2 fatty liver with highly accurate results.
Ultrasound: shows images of fat in the liver displayed as white areas. In addition, imaging tests such as MRI or CT can also detect fatty masses in the liver. Liver biopsy: with this method, the doctor will use a small needle to poke the damaged liver. With specialized techniques, the doctor will detect the damaged area. In addition to the ability to detect disease, this method also allows to detect the cause of the disease, thereby providing effective treatment.
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5. Treatment of fatty liver grade 2 All diseases, if detected early, will help treat the disease more effectively. With fatty liver, too, the treatment regimen for grade 2 fatty liver is often applied including:
Medication. Currently, there is no specific drug to treat fatty liver. To treat the disease, commonly used drugs to reduce fat accumulation in the liver include:
Drugs that support lipoprotein metabolism in the body. The drug provides choline to help strengthen nutrients in the liver, detoxify, and dissolve fat in the liver. The drug contains amino acids. This group of drugs helps maintain and restore liver cells, restore liver function. Types of vitamins E, B, C help dissolve fat in the liver to prevent fat, protect liver cells and treat grade 2 fatty liver. Scientific diet and exercise help treat grade 2 fatty liver. Scientific lifestyle, eating, and exercise regimens not only help prevent but also reduce the possibility of fatty liver progression.
Patients need to increase foods that have the effect of supporting liver function such as green vegetables, foods with cooling and cooling properties. Red and blue foods are good for the liver. Supplement with herbal teas such as green tea, chlorophyll, etc. Along with that, should limit drinks that are not good for the liver such as alcohol, carbonated drinks. Minimize fried foods, rich in fat, hot spicy foods,...
Besides a reasonable diet, exercise also plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of fatty liver. 2 . Depending on your condition and medical condition, appropriate options can be made. Sports can include: yoga, walking,...

6. Who is prone to fatty liver? Subjects prone to grade 2 fatty liver include:
People who use alcoholic and stimulant drinks with high frequency and content. People who often use fast food, prepackaged food. Elderly. People with a history of liver disease. Obese, overweight... 7. How to prevent fatty liver grade 2? From the cause of fatty liver, scientists have come up with effective measures to prevent grade 2 fatty liver.
Limit alcohol, beer, drinks containing stimulants, soft drinks,... Add green vegetables in daily meals. The content of substances in the meal is reasonable, limiting fat. Limit sweets. Increase exercise and daily exercise. Periodic health check. Thus, grade 2 fatty liver is a dangerous disease. However, if there is a reasonable diet and activities, it will have the effect of preventing and improving the disease. Hopefully after this article, readers have gained more useful knowledge about fatty liver disease and have effective ways to prevent and treat the disease.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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