Stomach pain above navel after eating is stomach?

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After eating, abdominal pain above the navel is a common manifestation of many patients. The previous view was that this manifestation was of gastric pathology. So the question is, after eating, is the stomach ache due to the stomach or other diseases?

1. Having a stomach ache after eating?

After eating, having abdominal pain above the navel is not a strange condition. Accordingly, many people think that this is a manifestation of stomach disease, so sometimes there is a subjective psychology. So the question is, after eating, is the stomach ache caused by the stomach or not? The opinion of the majority of patients is that after eating, having upper abdominal pain comes from the stomach, which cannot be said to be completely wrong because in fact, when injured or have some problems, the stomach will react with pain symptoms. epigastric abdomen (also known as the area above the navel and below the breastbone). Along with that, depending on the nature and location of the pain and accompanying symptoms, the doctor has doubts or diagnoses to determine the exact cause of the stomachache after eating.
According to doctors, after eating, having abdominal pain above the navel is one of the most typical and common symptoms of stomach ulcers, sometimes accompanied by a variety of other symptoms such as belching, belching. sourness, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, upset stomach and discomfort.
The next and also especially serious cause of abdominal pain after eating is gastric perforation (or perforation of hollow viscera) due to inflammation with symptoms such as severe pain on the navel, abdominal stiffness, vomiting. , sometimes vomiting blood with bleeding.
Patients with abdominal pain above the navel after eating sometimes stem from the most dangerous cause, which is stomach cancer. This disease progresses rapidly with the continuous growth of cancer cells, so early detection to take preventive measures is extremely necessary.

2. Abdominal pain on navel after eating why?

Besides the cause of stomach diseases, the state of having stomach pain after eating is also a manifestation of some of the following diseases:
2.1. Stomach bloating Pain above the belly button after eating can be caused by bloating, which means there is more gas in the intestines than usual. They can exit the body by mouth during belching or through the anus during bowel movements.
In case of bacterial or viral infection accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, the patient may feel severe abdominal pain above the navel. Common signs include:
Pain above the navel intermittently; Pain and lead to abdominal distension; Feeling of something moving in the stomach; Ợ gas or frequent bowel movements; Abdominal pain above the belly button after eating due to bloating is usually not serious and can be self-treated with over-the-counter (OTC) medications. To prevent this situation, patients should practice eating slowly, chewing thoroughly to limit swallowing too much air, and at the same time limit some foods that can produce gas in the abdomen.
2.2. Appendicitis Appendicitis is a common disease and is also a cause of pain in the abdomen after eating. If not treated promptly, appendicitis can progress to peritonitis and threaten the patient's life.
In the early stages of appendicitis, the most common patient symptom is a dull ache in the epigastrium (or above the navel). The pain then moves and localizes to a more specific location in the lower right abdomen (also called the right iliac fossa). The treatment in most cases of appendicitis is surgical removal.
2.3. Gallstones Gallbladder is an organ located in the lower right area, just below the liver, with the task of storing bile formed from liver cells, then excreting bile into the duodenum and small intestine to digest food. Due to the imbalance between the components of bile, it will facilitate the formation of gallstones, which are essentially hard particles like rocks or mucus like mud.
Gallstones can obstruct the gallbladder, resulting in the patient presenting with severe right upper abdominal pain (right lower quadrant), accompanied by vomiting, fatigue and exhaustion. In the absence of timely intervention, gallstones can progress to affect the functioning of the liver or pancreas with some complications such as jaundice/eyes or pancreatitis, which is dangerous to health.
Most cases of symptomatic gallstones will be treated with cholecystectomy and the patient will live a normal healthy life despite the loss of this structure. In order to limit the risk of recurrence of abdominal pain above the navel after eating due to gallstones, the doctor will recommend that the patient develop a scientific lifestyle, a low-fat diet and exercise more often. .
2.4. Intestinal Obstruction After eating, abdominal pain above the navel can be the result of intestinal obstruction. When the fluid and gas in the intestine stops circulating, it will reduce the ability to absorb and digest food, the patient will feel extremely bloated, bowel obstruction and intense vomiting.
However, the symptoms that occur depend on the location of the bowel obstruction. For example, vomiting is an early symptom of small bowel obstruction, but a late symptom of colonic obstruction. In addition, the patient may have diarrhea if only partial bowel obstruction is present, and bowel obstruction if the bowel obstruction is complete. In addition, intestinal obstruction can cause high fever if the intestinal wall is perforated.
Intestinal obstruction is a medical condition that needs to be treated early to limit intestinal perforation or serious infection. Doctors will prescribe the right pain medication for patients, but some more serious cases may require emergency surgery to remove the cause of the intestinal obstruction.

3. Treatment of stomach pain above navel after eating

If the abdominal pain above the navel after eating is only new and mild, the patient can take some measures to reduce this discomfort:
Use a clean towel dipped in water Moderately warm to place on the area above the navel or you can use a glass bottle of warm water to roll around the painful abdomen after eating; Patients with abdominal pain after eating should limit the use of cold water, instead should drink warm water, can drink some ginger tea mixed with a little honey will support pain relief more effectively; Patients can apply a folk trick that is said to be very effective to reduce abdominal pain on the navel is to use 10 grams of tangerine peels combined with fresh ginger and 30 grams of rice and then add 350ml of boiled water, drain the water. to drink; If abdominal pain above the navel is caused by the stomach, the patient needs to change their eating and living habits, limit foods or drinks that harm the stomach, and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits to support good health. Digestive; Get adequate rest, especially if you have abdominal pain above your navel. Patients should not try to overwork themselves because vigorous exercise can make the pain worse; According to the doctor, building a scientific lifestyle, starting from changing a scientific diet to a suitable rest regimen, while controlling anxiety, stress or pressure in life... It will help control the stomachache after eating. However, in case the abdominal pain is severe, prolonged and does not respond to the above measures, the patient should quickly see a doctor for an accurate examination and diagnosis, from which appropriate intervention measures can be taken. fit.

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