Treatment of peritoneal effusion

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The article is expertly consulted by a Doctor of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Management of peritoneal effusion requires treatment of the underlying cause to relieve symptoms, slow disease progression, and prevent complications.

1. Treatment goals for peritoneal effusion

The goal of treating peritoneal effusion is to relieve symptoms and make the patient more comfortable. While treatment can cause unwanted side effects, patients should discuss the benefits and risks of treatment with their doctor before starting any treatment plan.
Therefore, if the peritoneal effusion is mild and does not cause discomfort, treatment may not be needed. If, during treatment, new symptoms appear or the severity of existing symptoms changes, the patient should notify the doctor immediately.
In patients with mild to moderate peritoneal effusion, the treatment is usually an outpatient with a goal of losing no more than 1 kg/day in patients with ascites and severe edema. For patients with only peritoneal effusion, the loss should not exceed 0.5 kg/day.
In patients with severe peritoneal effusion, regardless of the cause, peritoneal aspiration should be performed. Patients during treatment need to adhere to a separate diet and take diuretics. In addition, fluid intake should be monitored for appropriate balance and electrolytes should be checked regularly to avoid electrolyte disturbances.
In some cases, peritoneal effusion requires surgery and liver transplantation.

2. How to deal with peritoneal effusion?

2.1. Appropriate diet Patients with peritoneal effusion should reduce the amount of salt in their daily meals to avoid water retention. In addition, the patient should drink less water and other fluids. Ensuring a nutritious diet is also a way to increase resistance and help with the treatment process.
2.2. Taking diuretics Diuretics will help reduce the amount of water and salt in the body through the elimination process. Diuretics are very effective in reducing peritoneal effusion and have almost no side effects. However, there are also a few rare cases where some unwanted effects appear such as:
Xử trí khi bị tràn dịch màng bụng
Mất ngủ khi uống thuốc lợi tiểu
Fatigue Low blood pressure Skin problems Urinating more often 2.3. Abdominal fluid aspiration As mentioned above, patients with severe peritoneal effusion regardless of cause should undergo peritoneal aspiration. Abdominal puncture is useful when the effusion is causing breathing problems or bloating.
The patient can puncture the abdomen several times. In case of frequent abdominal puncture, the patient will have a catheter placed on the abdominal wall. This is a drainage tube that conveniently drains the fluid outside, making it possible for the patient to have an abdominal puncture even at home. However, this procedure is rarely done in Vietnam.
2.4. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy can be used to treat certain types of cancer such as: ovarian cancer, breast cancer, etc. However, this method is rarely used in the treatment of pleural effusion. belly.
2.5. Bridging Like chemotherapy, bridging is rarely used in Vietnam. This method uses a device called a "bridge" to help drain fluid from one place to another in the body.
In general, management of peritoneal effusion must be accompanied by treatment of both the cause to prevent complications, reduce symptoms and not aggravate the disease. Patients should talk to their doctor carefully before choosing the right treatment for them.

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