Warning symptoms of intestinal obstruction

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Gastroenterology - Endoscopy, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Early recognition of intestinal obstruction symptoms will help quickly diagnose the disease accurately and take timely intervention measures, preventing the risk of complications.

1. What is bowel obstruction?

Fully understood, intestinal obstruction syndrome is a condition in which the patient's intestines have a functional or mechanical obstruction, which prevents the normal movement of digestive products, causing them to accumulate, causing obstruction. , cannot be excreted from the body of the patient.
Human can have intestinal obstruction due to many causes, it can be due to intestinal adhesions, endometriosis, intestinal volvulus, inflammatory bowel disease, hernia, appendicitis, diverticulitis, tumor, Intestinal ischemia, tuberculosis, and intussusception...
Diagnosis of bowel obstruction syndrome can be based on unprepared abdominal X-ray or CT scan, ultrasound or MRI (useful in diagnosis). diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in children and pregnant women).

2. Symptoms of bowel obstruction

Clinically, some symptoms of intestinal obstruction usually manifest to the outside as soon as possible:
Abdominal pain, abdominal distension Abdominal pain is the earliest warning sign of intestinal obstruction, the patient may have intermittent pain, sudden onset of symptoms. The pain is sudden or severe and then gradually decreases, about 2-3 minutes later, another pain appears. Initially, the abdominal pain in patients with intestinal obstruction was localized to only one abdomen, then the pain spread to the whole abdomen.
Nausea, vomiting continuously What is a very common intestinal obstruction symptom, almost every patient encounters it, there are many people who do not have vomiting but only nausea. If vomiting occurs, it may be accompanied by pain, the patient vomits food first and then vomits bile, digestive juices and feces.
Constipation and bowel obstruction are signs of intestinal obstruction that help doctors accurately diagnose bowel obstruction in patients. This is an important symptom, demonstrating the complete blockage of substances in the intestinal lumen of the patient. However, signs of bowel obstruction and defecation may occur late because at the beginning of bowel obstruction, the intestines are still contracting to push the air and stool below the obstruction, until the gas and substances on the outside. On the site of obstruction, the patient can no longer go down, then the patient will have symptoms of bowel obstruction.
Abdomen distended, resonant For patients with intestinal obstruction but thin, the abdominal wall is thin and palpable, intestinal loops can be seen embossed on the abdominal wall, when shining light on the abdomen, peristaltic waves can be seen in the abdomen. bowel loops protrude and move like a snake crawling under the skin of the abdomen. This sign of intestinal obstruction is also known as the phenomenon of snake crawling in mechanical intestinal obstruction.
In addition to the early signs of bowel obstruction that can be recognized early, in order to accurately diagnose the location of the blockage and the cause and mechanism of the bowel obstruction, the doctor will assign the patient to perform basic tests such as X-ray - optical, ultrasound...

Đau bụng là dấu hiệu tắc ruột được cảnh báo sớm nhất
Đau bụng là dấu hiệu tắc ruột được cảnh báo sớm nhất

3. Who is susceptible to intestinal obstruction syndrome?

Bowel obstruction syndrome is quite common and can occur at any age and gender. However, it is completely possible to control this disease by minimizing risk factors for bowel obstruction, including:
Intestinal trauma or past trauma; Sepsis ; Have had irradiation at or near the abdomen; Crohn's disease; Diverticulitis; Abdominal surgery, infection or trauma; History of bowel obstruction; Electrolyte imbalance, especially potassium and calcium; Old; Peripheral artery disease; Fast weight loss. Intestinal obstruction is one of the diseases that need urgent emergency care to minimize the risk to the patient. If diagnosed and intervened within the first 24 hours, the prognosis is good, while the case of delayed treatment, the ability of the intestine to recover after treatment is less. Patients will be in severe shock due to blood loss, absorption of toxins through the necrotic intestinal wall and peritonitis, leading to high mortality.
When you see any signs of suspected intestinal obstruction, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for timely examination and intervention. Vinmec has full technical facilities and qualifications to effectively implement methods of diagnosis and treatment of intestinal obstruction. In particular, there is a team of well-trained and experienced gastroenterology specialists; Professional medical service quality will bring the most satisfaction and peace of mind to patients.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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