What is appendicitis – Find out with experts Vinmec

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The article is professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Gastroenterology - Endoscopy, Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Gastroenteritis is a common disease. So do you understand what the appendix is, what role does this part play in the body and how to assess the condition of the disease? Let's find out with the doctors right here.

1. Location of the appendix

The appendix is ​​a part of the human digestive tract, located at the base of the cecum, near the junction between the small intestine and the right colon. The appendix is ​​a small finger-shaped tube, in adults about 3-13cm long, the appendix lumen is about 6mm in diameter. Usually, the appendix is ​​located in the lower right abdomen. The appendix can also be found in other areas such as the mid-abdomen, the right subhepatic region, between the small bowel loops or, rarely, the left lower abdomen.

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2. What is the role of the appendix?

Today, it is well known that the function of the appendix plays an important role in human immunity because it contains special tissues related to the lymphatic system, which plays a role in fighting infections, as well as The lining of the appendix contains a biofilm containing beneficial bacteria, which can "reboot" the digestive system after other intestinal infections.

3. Common diseases with appendix

3.1. Appendicitis

The appendix can be blocked by fecal stones, worms, lemon seeds, chili peppers, etc., being compressed by enlarged lymph tissues or in some cases for unknown reasons.
The appendix is ​​often inflamed because bacteria in the appendix grows out of control, at which point the appendix fills with pus and can rupture.
Manifestations of appendicitis:
Usually causes pain in the lower right part of the lower abdomen (also called the right iliac cavity). Nausea. Mild fever. Vomiting. Anorexia.

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Traditionally, an inflamed appendix was often the only treatment, although many antibiotics are now recommended and used to treat infections without surgery—depending on severity. of each case and the accompanying health factors of the patient. It is important to follow up closely after antibiotic treatment because the recurrence rate of appendicitis is quite high.
If the appendix becomes inflamed, the blockage is not treated, the pressure in the intestine increases causing the appendix to rupture. When the appendix ruptures, the inflammatory fluid and its stool spread throughout the abdomen causing peritonitis, which can lead to sepsis, a potentially fatal complication if not treated promptly and aggressively.

3.2. Appendiceal tumor

The most common tumor in the appendix is ​​a mucocele, which is a rare disease. Symptoms are similar to appendicitis. Carcinoid tumors secrete chemicals that cause recurrent congestion and diarrhea. This type of appendicitis is also very rare. Appendiceal epithelial tumors may be benign or malignant.

4. Methods of assessing the pathological status of the appendix

Clinical examination is the initial approach in the evaluation of appendicitis and is a simple but important diagnostic method. Changes in repeated abdominal exams help doctors diagnose and predict whether appendicitis is progressing. Blood tests: When infection and inflammation are present, the white blood cell count increases, which is a common sign in appendicitis blood tests. Ultrasound: uses ultrasound waves to detect signs of appendicitis, such as congestion and edema. CT scan (computed tomography): A CT scanner uses X-rays and a computer to build detailed images of the appendix. In appendicitis, a CT scan can accurately show an inflamed appendix and its complications, if any. In summary, the appendix has an immune function in the human body, so it is not necessary to remove the appendix (prophylactic appendectomy) in the absence of any medical condition. The most common appendicitis disease in clinical practice is appendicitis, which can be opened or laparoscopically to remove the inflamed appendix.
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