How do people with a history of pancreatitis have severe abdominal pain?

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Hello doctor,
My father is 55 years old and has been suffering from pancreatitis for a long time. This is the 3rd time I have severe stomach pain, can't eat, always feel tired. So please ask the doctor who has a history of pancreatitis and has severe abdominal pain how to overcome? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Dao Duc Dung - Center for Digestive - Hepatobiliary - Urology, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
With the question “How do people with a history of pancreatitis suffer from severe abdominal pain? ", the doctor replied as follows:
Abdominal pain has many causes that need to be diagnosed and treated. Your father has a history of pancreatitis, so this abdominal pain could be caused by pancreatitis. Depending on the specific condition of the pancreas, there will be different treatment directions. If chronic pancreatitis is compressed by gallstones with dilated pancreatic duct, surgery is often chosen. Most cases of chronic pancreatitis will be treated medically. You need to take your father to the doctor for specific advice.
If you still have questions about people with a history of pancreatitis having severe abdominal pain, you can go to a medical facility under Vinmec Health System for early examination and treatment. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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