How should lipomas be treated and do they need to abstain from anything?

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Hello doctor. Doctor, I want to ask that my father has a tumor on the back of his neck, probably a lipoma. Please ask the doctor if that is serious and how to treat it? Does your father need to abstain from anything else? Hoping to get a reply from the doctor soon. I thank you.
Nguyen Minh Anh (2006)
Hello. Lipoma is a condition in which the fat layer gradually accumulates under the skin, has a round shape, different sizes, there are tumors as small as a pea but also a tumor as big as a tangerine. Tumors can appear anywhere in the body such as: back, shoulder, arm, liver, intestine... A person can have from one to many tumors. Lipomas are usually benign tumors that are movable and do not cause pain.
I did not clearly describe my father's case, so the doctor could not conclude whether my father had lipoma or not. Therefore, you should advise your father to go to a reputable medical facility or a hospital of Vinmec Health System so that the doctor can perform some in-depth examinations to find out the cause and have an appropriate treatment plan.
Thank you for trusting and sharing your worries with Vinmec. Wish your family always have good health.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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