How to fix and limit large pores on the face

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Hello doctor, I am 35 years old this year, my face skin has large pores. Ask your doctor for advice on how to fix and limit large pores on the face. Thank you.
Anonymous question
There are many causes for large pores such as: Age, skin type, genetics, location of each person... However, the main cause is still the same. Sun exposure and improper facial care affect the skin structure, the skin becomes aging, loses elasticity, thereby causing the pores to dilate.
Dirt and sebum are the two main factors that make pores bigger. The accumulation of dirt and sebum on the skin causes inflammation of the pores on the face, pimples.
Skin care to close pores:
Daily skin cleansing: Avoid exposure to dust, wear a mask when going out and wash your face clean to help clear skin. Do not wash your face with facial cleanser more than 3 times a day because it will make the skin dry. Use rose water: It is recommended to use rose water after cleansing and before going to bed. Exfoliate regularly: you should exfoliate 1-2 times a week to help clear and clean skin. Facial massage Use topical vitamin A, use products containing AHAs Reasonable lifestyle and diet: do not stay up late, sleep on time, do not eat hot spicy foods, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits to provide vitamins for the skin , drink from 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day... In addition, keeping the spirit comfortable, happy mood, avoiding stress, stress is also an important factor to help protect skin health. Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns about how to fix and limit large pores on the face to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!

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